That is bloody brilliant. Is that the lowest you've been since in diet? x x
Absolutely fantastic. Can't wait till I've got rid of the Xmas gain and am back into fresh fat.
That Truffa bar is going to taste sweet!!
I'm just off for my official Lighter Life WI.
Woow sammmy that is blumin amazin!!!! Well happy for u im prayin for sumat like tht hehe...i am starting the squat challenge tdai even if it kills me :/ more xcuses so umm the squat challenge dont effect losses in any way rite? Woop woop u go girl i cnt wait til ima abt tht weight as urs lol means ima then b halfway to my goal hehe xxx
wow wee that is fantastic!!!! so chuffed for you! and within a stone of goal too![]()
Thank you sweetie, I know the first week is the big loss week, but I wasn't quite expecting that! Am chuffed and even more determined now! Wanna get into the 9's bracket now! Xx
Here goes: Goodness!!!!!!!!!! - 10lbs!!!!!!!! That's more than my first week on SnS back in September! I must've made extra gluten stores over Christmas! Lol. So now I'm 10st, 2lbs. Been a lonnnnnnnnnnnng time since I was that. Too many years. Safe to say Christmas bulge has shifted and I have roughly 13lbs to my goal. And today is a squat challenge rest day! Bonus!Will definitely treat myself to my first Truffa bar in a while tonight! Hell, I'll throw in a mug of mulled wine too! - water flavouring of course
Good luck everyone who's weighing today. I'll update my stats and ticker later on big computer.
Oh my goodness well done huni that is absolutely amazing! Have you done anything different this week? I need ideas I'm desperate! Are you following lifestyle or simplicity? Any advice huni? I'm aiming to be about your weight for May time got 4 stone to shift yikes xx
I mix up my days to be honest. But really went for it on chugging the water. A few early nights! No idea - I'm as amazed as anyone! I'd say water and squats!
Well done Sammy. The 9s have a space reserved with your name of itx
Well done Hun I mix my days too I never stick to one plan all week I like to vary it up! Can't believe how well you've done from starting at 13 something after lil one! I've lost nearly 5 stone since having poppy but I was over weight when I got pregnant so still a fair way to go! I'm chugging water too thinking if introducing exercise in a week or so to tone my mummy tum! Do you do much exercise it mainly squats? Xx
Woohoo! Great loss! I bet you were grinning from ear to ear when you hopped off the scales. Good job. Really not long to your goal now!
Enjoy the rest of the day.
M x
Nope, apart from a bit of walking. But am thinking of trying the plank challenge? Not sure what exercises are good for mummy tum - I had a c-sec and can't feel anything where my scar is - I have no sensation if that makes sense?! Do you have any idea what exercises are good?