Sammy's road to slimdom!!

My carbs never really go above about 35. Is this ok? I'm not trying to do it but having eggs in the am and my lifestyle meal in the pm I only have 2 packs a day which are my main source of carbs.
I'm not sure. You do need some carbs and the packs are deliberately engineered to have carbs in them. I don't know what the minimum level is though.
Are you putting your milk into the planner? If so it will be included in your 50-60g of carbs. Why do you try to not have your first pack until 10am? I have mine for breakfast as sson as I get to work - about 8am. I would eat it earlier if I got up in time to eat before I have to leave for work!

Yeah I put everything in my planner, even if I go over. Hmmmm. Must be my body having a rebellion. Ah well, onwards and upwards, I will not give in so it'll just have to get used to it!

I try to space my packs out as 10am, 2pm, 6pm, 9.30/10pm so it gives me something to look forward to throughout the day and is just enough time between each one to stop me pining for food (usually). It tends to work well for me but sometimes life interferes and I have to start earlier!! :)
Second attempt at an oatmeal cookie - better than the first attempt but I'm really just not getting it. Hey ho, that was my last pack of that. If I order any more I can try the '3rd time lucky' approach but we'll see!

Had a dark Truffa bar instead of cake today with my friends. Pat on the back for me!! Lol. I had dr pepper zero last night at girlie night - passed the snacks around and avoided them all!
Yay me!

Now to keep myself busy all afternoon as my packs started earlier than usual today and I'd like to get to 5.30/6 before having my 'meal'.

Weigh in tomorrow!

Sunday next week is my daughters christening - I've told myself that if I make it into the 11's I can have a lemon cupcake. I might not actually have it on the day, but at the moment that's what I'm telling myself to give me something to look forward to and to banish the deprived feeling. Now if all the lemon ones go before I can get my mitts on one then that will solve any internal debates in my head! Chocolate cake doesn't rock my boat and vanillas a bit too plain!

Hope everyone's Saturday is going well!! Xx
I can't crack the oatmeal cookies either. Maybe were expecting too much aha.

Ooooh me too with lemony things :). I too wouldn't thank you for chocolate cake. The slim and save lemon bars are nice, but not for your daughters christening x
The cookies are definitely not cookies how we know them, they are more chewy, almost like a dense cake I suppose. I quite liked then with cinnamon. I've run out of oatmeal though.
I tried them with cinnamon and with and without tablet sweetener. Wasn't overly impressed. Think I was expecting a Millie's cookie haha x
Ha ha!! I was half thinking of taking a bit off the dark Truffa bar and making it a chocolate chip cookie! Maybe next time!! Xx
Mmmmm cookies. Would love one of those right now (a Millie's one not s&s oatmeal!) although I'm lying in bed now thinking that once you've reached the end if the day, the cravings seem silly as they are things I really don't need and don't seem quite so important when the day is done.

Personally, I don't know if I'd want up waste a truffa bar in the cookies. I liked them as something for breakfast but wouldn't really class as a treat, would rather the truffa bar on its own so I can taste it. Yum.

The cravings can be terrible. I had a dream if was throwing sticks for my wee dog. Only instead of sticks it was crusty bread batons. Wtf!x
Ha ha that's hilarious!! Crazy what it does to you! lol!!
Weigh Day today!!

Lost 5lbs. Crickey that's more than I thought this week!!

Ooo I can almost taste that lemon cupcake! Lol.

Happy Sunday everyone xx
Oh I forgot to do my stat update...

Weight goals:

Start Weight: 13st, 7lbs - 1st September 2013.

Week One: Lost 8lbs
= 12st, 13lbs - 8th September.
Week Two: Lost 6lbs
= 12st, 7lbs - 15th September.
Week Three: Lost 2lbs
= 12st, 5lbs - 22nd September.
Week Four: Lost 5lbs
= 12st, 0lbs - 29th September.

Mini Goals:

September 14lb loss challenge - Done.

To be in the 11's by my daughters christening (October 6th) - ooo I'm one whole pound away!!

To be close to 10 stone by Christmas

To get into the 12's - Done.
To get into the 11's - so so so close!!
To get into the 10's
To get into the 9's

To get into my size 10 Next jeans (comfortably) that I've only worn once ( - and they were tight then)!!
Roll on week 5!!

I started today with an attempt at making a vanilla 'cake' with the shake. It was nice but ended up more like a sweet bread then a cake texture. Was tasty though so that was lucky!!

Have decided to up the walking this week. In total last week over five days I did 3.5 hours. Would like to do nearly 4 hours over this week Monday to Friday.
Need to get my 'shape up' trainers back from my friend and get going on those again! :)

My other tight pre preggy jeans now zip up - only just - and are pretty uncomfortable on the waist. I weigh less than I did when I use to wear them so can only come to the conclusion that my preggy jelly belly is the problem and my body isn't the same as it was beforehand. I'm holding weight in different areas. Hopefully another half a stone and they should feel more comfy!
Fingers crossed.

My target for October is a minimum of 14lbs. I really hope I can achieve that with gentle exercise and this diet.
Although I know some weeks slow right down or stay the same and that will put a spanner in the proceedings!!

Am having a roast chicken tonight - sort of.
Hubby's having a full on roast, I'm having chicken with leeks and cabbage and maybe a tiny bit of carrot. Will attempt a 'gravy' again - last time it went wrong but I read that if you use the chicken stock we're allowed and a spoonful of the soup mix it thickens it up to make it more gravy like. I'm not convinced but it's worth a try!!!

Will do my measurements on 1st October.

Hope everyone else is doing well today. Xx
I've found that with my jeans. I weigh less than I have in years but my tummy is much bigger after kids.

Good positive thoughts on the exercise. I need to do the same. Ill get the exercise bike out and try and do a few sessions.

Cafe latte thick shake with ice! Yum.
Tomato soup made into a weird bready thing with a teeny bit of lettuce and celery.
Cottage pie with swede mash (a bit lumpy!).
Hot caramel shake.

Have done a day without bars and fizzy drinks, hoping to do another day like that this week and see if it helps up the weight loss.

Lots of walking tomorrow.
These jeans will be comfortable!

Am I really on a diet?

Banana shake made into a banana cake type thing with a lovely cuppa tea.
Spicy spag Bol with 200g of mushrooms mixed in (-200g of mushrooms is loads by the way!!! Was absolutely stuffed!)
80g Fage Greek yoghurt with a broken up muesli bar mixed in. Lush lush lush!!
Still to have my hot shake before bed.

Today has been scrummy. I'm full up and feel naughty even though I know I've been good!!!
Only did an hour and twenty mins of walking due to the rain and me not yet having a waterproof coat! I will buy one tomorrow!! I will!

Hope everyone's Tuesday has gone well.

Sorting my clothes out tomorrow... If they are too big they are outta here!! :)
