Trying hard 2014
Gold Member
Well done Sam. Keep going!
My last Tri was Sept 2012...
My last Tri was Sept 2012...
Finally made it through Day 1!!!! Ohhh Emmm Geeee lol Wasn't as much of a challenge as it has been previously, in fact I actually felt full when I went to bed last night thanks to all the water I was guzzling.
Ordered a box of meal packs from Exante which arrived today, had the shepherd's pie for lunch and it was surprisingly nice, tasted like a "normal" shepherd's pie that had been mixed up and was thick and creamy, and actually filled up the majority of a bowl so it felt as though I was having a proper meal.
I know I shouldn't weigh every day but thought I would this morning, and despite my scales being electronic they kept giving me different readings, from 18st 13lbs to 19st 3lbs. In the end I weighed myself on my mechanical scales instead and they read 18st 7lbs, so I think to clarify future weigh-ins I will use the mechanical scales and add 7lbs to whatever they say as I know I must still be around 19st.
Will keep busy today and will hobble around getting some housework done. I'm also going to be looking at charity fundraising events for later in the year - should keep me motivated
Hope everyone's doing ok x
I'm off to Vietnam in Apr to do a charity Trek for Help for Heroes. 100km in 6-7 days.
I'm off to Vietnam in Apr to do a charity Trek for Help for Heroes. 100km in 6-7 days.
Thanks everyone! Had a slight blip this morning but I'm not going to let it throw me off, and hopefully it hasn't done too much damage. I wasn't hungry but I think I just missed food, that might sound silly lol I'm right back on plan though, I'm not going to let a bad 10 minutes turn in to a bad day, weekend, or month, otherwise it will be another 2 years before I get back on track!
I've learned from my mistakes![]()