Hi Lynne, yeah I'm ok

How are you? Chris how did your human MOT go?
I'm back to work finally! Started on Tuesday with a few hours, covered a few hours yesterday and am covering a few hours today aswell. Took the car back to get its work done on Wednesday, £108 later I have a valid MOT, whoopeedoo lol Still need to get the rear brakes looked at, at some point (it's officially on the to-do list). I've picked up as much overtime as possible so am going to be working between 7am and 11pm on both Saturday and Sunday, I need to do some financial damage control after being off work for so long! As long as my foot doesn't hurt or swell too much it should be fine.
Diet-wise I've been struggling a lot, doesn't help that I'm still having TOTM, sometimes it seems like it has stopped and then it's back in full force - I've got a feeling it's going to be a long one

I seem to have a constant headache too which is worse at night so my sleep is disrupted, I wonder if it's related. And on top of that, one of the cats was on a total manic one in the early hours, kept me up for an hour running around all over the place, knocking stuff over, meowing louder than should be physically possible, jumping on the bed, climbing on me, trying to play with the dogs lol
One of our other cats has been poorly recently, she has been having diarrhoea and a very red bum, looks so sore the poor thing. Took her to the vets yesterday, 10 minutes, some cream and 2 jabs later and my bank balance was £90 lower, oh joy! Money-wise things have been bloody rough lately lol Firstly with me being off sick, then the washing machine packing up, then the car's MOT work and retest, now the cat, that's on top of the usual cost of rent, bills and petrol.
Who said being an adult was fun!?