Sams Diary - Back on SS

well today has been pretty uneventful so far. Been very wet and miserable here in Brum so have only ventured out to pick little'un up from school. Kids are just eating their tea now then Im hoping to get them bathed and into bed early so I can get ready for my night out.

Am grateful for another successful day on the diet - still tonight to get thru. Am going to have 3rd shake just before I go, and put tetra in my bag incase I really really cant cope with not scoffing the buffet. If I find the desire for food too overwhelming I will go to the loo and have a tetra to keep the hunger pangs at bay. Hopefully I can just sip water and boogie all night and steer clear of the grub.

Have a great weekend everyone.
well then on to day 9.

Managed to enjoy the party last night, without eating or drinking anything I shouldn't. I took an extra tetra with me as a security blanket but didn't need it so pat on the back for me.

Scales are showing another 2lb off overnight so I'm well chuffed and just glad that this hard work is paying off. That takes me to 16lb in 8 days and I know it will slow down soon but am enjoying it and wish I could lose at 2lb a day till i get to target. I will only update my ticker at my official weigh in as I know my weight can fluctuate during the week.

I think I have properly settled into the diet now (hope I'm not tempting fate by saying that) I have got through days of feeling incredibly hungry without eating and that is a first for me. Im so proud of myself for getting to day 9. I have never stuck to a diet for 9 days before.

Not much planned for today. the rain has finally stopped so might make it to the park if it stays dry. Also need to go and buy the christening pressie that I didnt get yesterday.

Hope you all have a good Saturday.
WL8S, wow, you have once again deserved more than a pat on the back for resisting buffet AND drink last night. Did you have a good time as well??? :party0023:

Lucky you, the rain is only just starting where i am!
I did have a good time thanks Dis. Caught up with a few old friends Ive not seen for a while so that was good. COuldnt help thinking that they wouldnt recognise me next time I see them and Ive lost a few stone ha ha.

I didnt go to the party till about 9, as I figured that most people would have already eaten from the buffet by then and at least I wouldnt be surrounded by people eating.
I did have a good time thanks Dis. Caught up with a few old friends Ive not seen for a while so that was good. COuldnt help thinking that they wouldnt recognise me next time I see them and Ive lost a few stone ha ha.

I didnt go to the party till about 9, as I figured that most people would have already eaten from the buffet by then and at least I wouldnt be surrounded by people eating.

I know what you mean! i'm going home to california in september (hopefully!!!) and the last time my family has seen me, by then, will have been nearly 2 years! and they only really know me as a bigger gal, sooo, this will be one of my mini goals. PLUS, (my shape is very pear, smaller waist, and massive hips) i'll be looking forward to my hips and thighs NOT spilling over into the seat next to me on the plane! hehehe)) Hmmm i think i'll have to put that in my diary as a mini-goal.

and going to the buffet late, well...that was probably the smarter choice! im terrified about going to my first dinner party or family meal while being on this diet!
hey Sam you are doing great, well done on resisting the buffet, if you can do that you can do anything girl!!
you sound like you are very determined and will really go all the way good for you !!!!
oh and by the way the hungry days happen to me as well, just out of nowhere, and it does feel like real hunger too
its a bit of a bummer as one day you can be flying and the next it takes you by surprise, but it has never been so bad that I had to eat so willpower and water seem to be enough to get through
have a good day mate
nat xxxx
well day 10 has been great. I am so so proud of myself today.

Have been down to London for a christening. Had first shake before we went at about 10.45. Set off at 11.15, and had to get hubby to stop at services for the loo, surprise surprise.

Anyway, resisted all the free champagne and buffet which looked gorgeous. A few people asked why I wasnt eating so told them I had upset tummy. Am not ready to "come out" to the inlaws yet as I dont want to be ridiculed.

Had tetra on way home at 4.30. Traffic was horrendous so got home at about 7pm, and I ordered Pizza for Neil and the kids. I wasnt tempted at all to eat any, although for some strange reason I wanted to smell it!!
Hubby said he's really proud of me and is already starting to worry about his own weight lol. He could probably do with losing about a stone but he is the worlds fussiest eater. I think he's tempted by CD but I'm not going to force him. He cant believe how well I am doing.

So all in all, I think ive had a bloody good day. Resisted champagne, buffet and pizza and not even felt like Im missing out. Only thing Im worried about is that ive not quite had my three litres today. Dont want to start drinking loads now as dont want to be on the loo all night. I'll try to drink 4litres tomorrow to make up for it.

Scales showing another pound off so I think thats 17lb now if I havent lost count!! Will only update after official WI though.

Off to polish my halo now!!!!!

hiya sam. well done on your resistance! i'm finding it easier and not being tempted as well...OH! AND i'm Always smelling things!!! when i make food for dave and the baby i totally put my nose in it and inhale the aroma! ha! its very weird that we're doing this, dont ya think? But thinking about it, smell is like 40% of taste! so i guess it makes sense why were doing what were it and finding it pleasing.

Glad that the you had a nice time at the christening and that all went well.

keep up the losses!!
on to day 11.

I am loving this diet.

I have never felt so in control about my weight ever.

I am not hungry and not tempted by food. I cannot believe how strong my determination is this time. I am going to get to goal. For the first time in my life I have found a diet that I believe will get me the results I want and get them quickly.

If anyone is reading this wondering whether CD is for them, give it a go. If you stick to it 100% you will get results.

I am on to day 11 now, and according to my home scales Ive lost 19lb.

Good luck to everyone else with your diets today.

you are doing so well
you sound so much like me
determined and nothing is going to put you off
well done mate

kaz :D
day 12 today. No change in weight this morning but I am still more than happy with the 19lb so far and it had to slow down sometime.

Suffered with terrible wind last night. Am only on the shakes so don't know if that is normal. It was coming out of both ends from about 7pm and I had stomach cramps. Seems to be OK this morning so perhaps just a bad day.

Not much to add this morning really. Got to go out and get some flat shoes for work after dropping the kids off at school and playgroup. Its a bit early to be trying on smaller size clothes yet but I am looking forward to the day when I can go shopping for 16's, and then 14's and I think even 12 is achievable by Christmas.

Got my knee length boots zipped up to the top yesterday which made me very happy. And hubby cant believe how well Im doing. My sisters and best friend keep checking in with me to offer regular support.

Hope everyone else is still doing OK on the diet, especially the newbies. Hang in there because it does get easier.

woohoo i`d love to wear a pair of knee high boots
i am so short they`re more like waders on me, i can tuck me boobies into them :rotflmao:

19lbs is great considering you haven`t been doing ss for very long
well done
i to dream of the dya i can get into size 14`s
i`d be happy at a 14

have a great day
kaz :D
Day 13

Weigh in tomorrow. I think Ive lost 1/2 stone since last Thursday, but no movement on the scales today or yesterday which is bit disappointing. Perhaps Im expecting too much.

I seem to have really got into the swing of the diet now. Not craving food at all, not feeling hungry, and really happy with my progress so far.

I know that I will start to struggle as my weight loss slows down but I'll cross that bridge when I come to it.

I think I might try a couple of soups this week. I have stuck to the shakes so far but it would be nice to have a bit of variety.

Nothing exciting planned for today. Might go and pop in to one of my sisters for a coffee and a natter. Have got a mountain of ironing to do but god I had ironing so much. Im hoping the ironing wont take so long when my clothes are half the size lol.

Got my size 18 jeans zipped up yesterday. Didn't wear them though - far too tight but hey at least I got them fastened which is more than I could do a fortnight ago. Im going to dig out all my size 16 clothes from the cupboard on saturday and sort through which ones I would still wear and put them in the wardrobe ready for when I can fit back into them. Im looking forward to the day I can send my 20's and 22s to the charity shop.

Have a good day
Sam x
2nd weigh in today

Have just got back from weigh in and another 3lb of lard has gone forever.

After a fab loss last week, I would normally have been disappointed with 3lb, but through reading all the brilliant advice and other peoples experiences I am more than happy with 3lb. I Know I have to look at the bigger picture and take it a month at a time instead of day by day.

Note to self though. Stop bloody weighing myself every 5 minutes. That's because according to my bathroom scales I have lost 7lb in a week, not 3. Have just put scales on top of the wardrobe and am hoping that now they are not next to the loo I can forget about them.

Its a lovely morning here in Brum so going to try and get some washing on the line while I can. Zoe is at playgroup so I need to try and spend a couple of hours doing housework and ironing.

Got work tonight, 6 - 10pm so have to try and space my shakes out to have second at about 3ish and last one when I get home just after 10. Gonna go and have a vanilla shake now and then get on with my jobs.

well done
another good loss
i used to get disheartend if i had little losses but not any more a loss is great what ever number

kaz x
Im really struggling today. I started the day on a high before weigh in because I was convinced I had lost 1/2 stone this week (according to my own scales)

Although I know everyone will say 3lb is brilliant, and it is, I think I must just be disappointed deep down because I thought I had lost more.

Anyway, am really struggling today and have even been as far as looking in the cupboards and the fridge for something to eat. Havent given in yet but have come close.

Im waiting for a delivery so cant go out or go for a bath. Zoe has just had jacket potato and beans for her lunch and I would have loved one for myself.

Thought I would pop in and see how you are doing.
I am sure (being a determined lady) that you managed to talk yourself out of eating anything.
Just wanted to say - be aware that the smallest thing can shake even the most dedicated of us. Especially being a little disappointed with a WI result... and yes I am going to tell you that 3lb is a great loss but if you were hoping for more due to your home scales then I can understand how that can take the wind out of your sails.
You are right to move your scales out of view. I don't actually own any (thank god) I know from previous experience that I became so obsessed with them on previous diets that I had to throw them away as they were making me miserable.
Anyway, be kind to yourself for the next few days - go and get a treat for yourself (non food) and settle back into it gently. Drink plenty of water. Remember "the more you drink the more you shrink" - it is quite true you know.
Take care.