Sams Diary - Back on SS

Well done Sam. You will do it.

Glad I was of help. xx
well another week gone by since I updated my diary.

Ive joined the gym and have had a really good programme worked out for me by the personal trainer. Im quite chuffed with myself and have been 4 times in the last week. I can really feel it working already and I know it will be some time before you can see a difference but oh boy, I can really feel my muscles working whilst im there.

I'm now loosely following the 1000 plan on CD. I just wasnt sticking to SS properly and was on a constant starve/binge cycle which wasnt doing me any good so I am pleased that Ive managed to stick pretty close to 1000 cals a day. Water is at around 2 litres a day.

Ive only lost 1.5 lb this week but Im not worried. The guy at the gym said that its normal to retain a bit of water when you start exercising as your body doesnt know whats hit it. Im in it for the long haul now, and fair play to all of you that manage to stick to SS. I did it for 3 months but just cant get back onto it. I think Im doing the right thing for me.

Not much else happening really. Have booked a holiday to France for May, and we go to France again in August for our annual family holiday with all of Neils family.Work has been mental throughout January but thankfully slowing down a bit now.

My BMI is exactly 30 now, so by this time next week, I will no longer be obese for the first time in 10 years.
sorry diary, been neglecting you again.

well have been loving the exercising at the gym and have even been brave enough to get my swimming cossie on and go swimming twice!

I have moved to a new CDC who is really supportive and is going to sponsor me to be a CDC. so I now want to get this last bit of weight off as quick as poss so have gone back to SS. Day 3 today and so far so good.
hey sam well done on getting back on the ss plan
you have doen brill so far and i think you will reach your goal soon
keep it up girl your a star
Nice to see you back Sam :)
Oh! nice to see you back Sam. I'll pop in later to see what you decide.
ok monday 12th May - day 1 back on the ss wagon.

I had intended to restart on Mon 2nd June as Im going to France on holiday in 2 weeks, but after a long walk in the hot weather yesterday I realised that I cant afford to put it off for another 2 weeks. So OK, not the best time to start when I am gong to have the temptations of baguettes and croissants for a week but I cant put it off any longer.

So Im 1 litre down already and 4 coffees. Not got much on today other than some admin tasks and a bit of housework. Working this evening so that should keep me out of the fridge during my danger time.

Im planning on SSing but if I find the first couple of days a struggle I will have a 790 type meal.

Thats it for now. Will try to update regularly as I used to, as I find it a good way of keeping myself on the straight and narrow.
Hi Sam
Nice to see you back again. Well done on getting back into ss, its not easy getting back into it but once you have 1st week down you will feel so much better.:)
Hi Sam
Nice to see you back again. Well done on getting back into ss, its not easy getting back into it but once you have 1st week down you will feel so much better.:)

How are you doing Sam?

Erm...... not going so well at the moment. Think Im in holiday mode already!

Im going to France for a week on Saturday and will be back on the Ss wagon when I return on Sunday 1st June