well i had my first official wi yesterday and am down 8lb which I am delighted about, and then proceeded to scoff a packet of crisps in the car last night. But back on it today and trying to glug as much water as possible between customers.
Im loving my new job. Its only been a couple of months and this is the hectic time during the january sales, but I am really enjoying myself and meeting some wonderful people, and making a few quid as well which is a bonus.
So, apart from work and the diet theres really not much time for anything else at the moment. Once the madness of the January sale dies down I will get back to more of a normal working week and find time for some family time and also some me time.
Ive decided Im going to bring up the subject of becoming a cdc when I go for my next weigh in. I know im not at BMI 28 yet, but im not far off and I dont know how long the application process takes or anything. Its about time I took the first step though instead of just thinking about it.
Not much else to say at the minute. Hope everyone else is doing ok, and to those of you that pop into my diary to give me support, thank you, it really does help. xx