Morning everyone! Had a bit of a stressful week, Robbie's been a bit under the weather since Sunday (took him to A&E Sunday night) They said its a bit of a chest infection so hes got antibiotics but they don't really seem to be doing anything. I'll take him to the doctors tomorrow if he's no better. Needless to say he hasn't been sleeping so neither have I, sleep deprivation is the worst isn't it! it's torture! To add to my woe's the boiler has broken down! so we've got no hot water or heating, there's a plumber coming at dinner time to have a look at it but it's really old and I think it's unfixable, so looks like we'll be paying out for a new one which we can't really afford (sigh).
Diet and exercise has been ok, I bought myself a kettlebell on Tuesday and did my first workout yesterday morning it was really good, it's good to have an hour to yourself sometimes isn't it. Hope everyone is ok I'll go and catch up on diaries