Chronic Recidivist
Posting in the right place....
So I made one diary entry its own thread -oops - but today's will appear in it's rightful place. I seem to be settling in, so I really don't feel like writing much, this is just my way of life - I don't eat sugar or bread or potatoes. Every other day I just eat protein. Blah...
Told my husband that even if I wasn't losing weight, I would probably stick to this eating plan just because I feel so much better. The improved energy, better mental clarity, and better quality sleep make it worth it.
I'm still hungry, but I know that it's emotional eating triggers, not physical hunger. So I just push through them or have some protein, which I really didn't want and makes me feel worse (no sugar high reward), take my walk, and try and let whatever is bugging me slide away.
So I made one diary entry its own thread -oops - but today's will appear in it's rightful place. I seem to be settling in, so I really don't feel like writing much, this is just my way of life - I don't eat sugar or bread or potatoes. Every other day I just eat protein. Blah...
Told my husband that even if I wasn't losing weight, I would probably stick to this eating plan just because I feel so much better. The improved energy, better mental clarity, and better quality sleep make it worth it.
I'm still hungry, but I know that it's emotional eating triggers, not physical hunger. So I just push through them or have some protein, which I really didn't want and makes me feel worse (no sugar high reward), take my walk, and try and let whatever is bugging me slide away.