Hi Sandra, how you doing ? Fantastic by the sounds of it xxx
Good idea to rein it in as soon as you can, and to get back on here and mfp to help. You'll soon get it sorted, I bet it's not many lbs x
Hi Sandra, yeah Im back at work, there has been a lot of changes all for the better so Im enjoying it again. Im not on Lt I tried to re-start twice but felt so emotional about it I couldnt stay motivated. Im trying Atkins but its early days, Its like everything new, it takes time to settle into. Soo glad to hear you are happy, you been through it and now enjoying the rewards. xxx
Oh you'll soon shift that!
I did 3 weeks TFR and I'm at the end of my second week of 2 products and a low carb meal. I've lost 12.8lbs plus whatever the morning wi brings (hopefully! - I HAVE had a few dwinkie poos this week) I'd like to lose another 3-4lbs.
I like all the Exante products personally but I still prefer my shakes as mousses just as I did on LT. I found the first 6 days hard going because I was really really hungry but it was ok after that - I don't really ever want to have to do it again thoughxx
Hi Sandra, glad to have you back
I completely understand how your feeling! I'm half a stone upand feeling miserable cause my new small clothes are too tight and I got rid of all my other clothes
I started back on TFR today and have reset my goal weight to 135lbs like I had originally planned.