♥3 Years Maintaining♥
Oh dear .... cringe!!!!!!! :giggle: x
Hi Sandra,
Sorry to hear you weren't well. Glad things are a bit better now. Did the doc say anything to you about folic acid?
T x
Have decided that it's time to leave refeed and join the folks on maintenance......I've been eating for about a month now so I can hardly call it refeeding! I'm not deliberately avoiding carbs either so hopefully I've put on any water weight and any damage has already been done
Au revoir.......
hi im gettin my third weigh in tomorrow i honestly dont feel as if i lost anything.....
anyway im lookin for a bit of advice ,i intend to start eatin this week as i have stuff on,well not me really ,my hubby has an i cant very well say no ,as well as that im goin away for the month of jan.
id like to have a maintenance drink for breakfast a bar for lunch and a salad for dinner i think i could stick to this plan till i come back,i will also b havin a few vodkas,,,,, does any one have any comment to make cos im really startin to worry about soon as i come back im goin back to tfr im beginnin to wish i wasnt goin away at all as i would have no problem stickin with tfr over xmas.....:break_diet::break_diet::break_diet::break_diet: help help help