Sorry to hear that.
I've got to go back full time, as there arn't any part time ones for the position I do. I could do another position but that would mean targets and working on commission. We can't afford for me to go part time.
We always said that if any thing had to change it would be his shifts, as I get paid monthly and have the direct debits etc.
Luckily, at the moment it's going to be 1-2 days a week at a nursey. I work Monday to Friday so does him, but he is going to try working a Saturday and have Monday off. So would cut child care. My mum works from home one day a week, some times too. The FIL had two week days off so they have offered to have her. We're quite lucky really, I've never asked them to have her, they offered which is a bonus. It might work out we won't need to use childcare, we shall see.
Im just not looking for to the late shifts as I'll be home when she's in bed
I do like my job, and do miss working, but I know I'm going to miss her so much. I'm going to feel guilty going back. If that makes sense.