Try and try again
I'm back to following the magazines as the discipline works best for me, although I do make a few changes to suit what is in my cupboard to keep the price down...some of the mealk plans have three different cereals in which I swap and use the same one three times. I just find all the fruit and veg expensive especially when it goes off so quick and you don't use the whole pack sometimes - I am trying to get to a green-grocers more often though as you have more freedom over pack sizes than with online shopping!
I know what you mean - it seems ridiculous sometimes that they have such a wide range of cereals, fruit, veg etc. But I guess they know people will tailor it and it shows the variety SW can offer - especially to anyone new buying the magazine!
I'm going to do the same and try and shop more locally. Used to have loads of luck as my SIL runs a local greengrocers so we got all our fruit and veg for practically nothing, but she's on maternity leave at the mo and will be working from home a lot when she does return so don't think we're going to quite be that lucky again! I also want to start shopping at the butchers more - better quality and you get exactly what you want rather than being drawn in to special offers!