I am officially jumping back on the wagon on Wednesday!
It's the day hubby goes back to work... Which I am really not looking forward to :-(
Not sure how I'm going to cope on my own... But I guess I'll have to find a way!
So I've got a tesco delivery coming Tuesday and I'm going to make a list of meals, but they're going to have to be quick and easy as I haven't been finding much time to cook (or eat for that matter!).
I'm not exclusively breastfeeding anymore as Bella is a hungry hungry baby, and I simply couldn't keep up! So I'm breastfeeding her in the mornings, and also expressing through the day. So the SW guidelines are for 3 extra healthy extras for breastfeeding mums, so I'm going to allow 1 extra, and if I'm doing extra easy I'll make sure it's an A choice to have extra calcium.
Everything is going great with Bella, she is already developing a cheeky personality! Her habit at the moment is to be an angel in the day but a monkey at night not sleeping! So it's taken some adjusting for us!! She's gorgeous though, and although I don't want to rush these precious days, I can't wait until she's a bit bigger and really develops a personality!