Thanks hun I'll try that! Wanted to today but my work trousers have got a seperate long fastening which flaps over the button so didn't work grrr...
Good news, one of my friends is selling her old angelsounds doppler, so I'll be buying that off her **for one of the girls at work** lol! We were going to get one anyway but she's selling hers for £5 so bargain! Unfortunately all the other stuff she's selling is pink, and we're not going to find out the sex so no good (shame - she was selling a moses basket and stand for £20!)
I have been married 5 years and with my husband for 8 and we have been considering having a baby..... I am not sure if I want to share him though and I am quite selfish ..... Your posts and your excitment about your forthcoming motherhood is contagious and actually made me smile while reading .... Maybe I should think about it some more ..??? Food for thought !! xxx
Hi hun,
We have quite similar situations then! I know what you mean though, I do keep thinking about how life will change completely after we have this baby, but I know it sounds silly and soppy but we're a proper lovey dovey couple - none of the sparkle has faded, we barely argue and can't get enough of each other. I think a baby will honestly complete us!
How old are you if you don't mind me asking? I felt quite strongly about wanting a baby before I turned 30, and due to my work situation I really didn't want to wait until I got made redundant, get a new job then wait again until I'm entitled to full maternity leave.
Only you two can make that decision though xx