Mitten - my pregnancy sounds like a walk in the park compared to yours!
Luckily I haven't had any sickness, only a constant nausea. It's the exhaustion that's really getting to me, I never cope very well when I'm tired, so to feel like it all the time is horrible.
Nausea has eased off a little bit today, but I've been hit by that hangover feeling again. Luckily I've booked tomorrow off as holiday so I can have a nice lie in. I'm absolutely exhausted so I've definately done the right thing in booking hols to give me shorter working weeks.
I'm meeting my friend for a catch up tomorrow - she had her little girl in October and I'm buying a doppler and breastpump off her. Now she doesn't know I'm pregnant (I've told her they're for someone at work), and I'm half tempted to tell her tomorrow. I suppose I'll decide tomorrow.
Oooh and I treated myself to some maternity jeans yesterday!
I had already moved out of my 16s into 18s and they were just not feeling comfy, so I tried a load on in New Look. Opted for some 18s with a really narrow elastic waistband. They're a bit big but although the 16s fitted I was scared if I did put any weight on, my bum or thighs, that they might be a bit snug.
Bargain too - £27 down to £15.