(Will)PowerPuff Girl! X
Finally got the time to update!
Done a fair bit of exercise today- about 20 mins of Rosemary Conley DVD and about 45 mins of walking
At Dave's tonight until Monday, planning on doing Leslie tomorrow when everyone is out! Dave's got a first floor flat so I'm worried about the people below wondering why there is a herd of elephants upstairs
Breakfast- weetabix, shreddies and milk 6pp
Lunch- 4 ryvita crackerbread 2pp, bread 4pp, ham 1pp, marmite 1pp, crisps 3pp, EL laughing cow 0pp
Dinner- WW cottage pie 5pp, veg 0pp
Snacks- bread 3pp, jam 1pp, shortbread 4pp
30/33 dailies
0 weeklies
37 weeklies remaining
Hope u have a nice weekend at Daves