Repeat Offender
Ahh yeah that would explain it! I'm on a pill that kinda puts my periods out really, sometimes I have one, sometimes I don't but if I do, it's not a proper one. Over the weekend I was so angry at everything! Took nothing to put me in a mood. Didn't know why at the time, but then a couple of days ago it was like ahh I see... I've NEVER been a PMT person at all. I've always got off lightly, no mood swings, no pain etc. I think I bottled up all the PMT from before for last weekend! Everything annoyed me. Felt like crying at next to nothing. Completely blew up at my mum because she'd put my chicken in the freezer when I wanted to use it that night and so couldn't. Couldn't pick another dinner. Had to apologise to my mum and struggled to not burst into tears whilst I did it! Now isn't a good time for PMT, I've got enough going on in my head without making it worse!! Hope it passes and you feel human again soon!