I've just started being a legal secretary again. I am still at uni, but for the Summer I have gone back to this (my old job) as I earn better money and have better hours than waitressing. It got me thinking about the last time I was a legal sec and how much things have changed since then!
Back then, I was about 18stone - now I am in the 14s! I used to wear trousers, and felt uncomfortable all the time. Now, I still occasionally feel uncomfortable, but now I wear bright clothes, and I have worn trousers about twice in 3 months! I wear skirts and mostly dresses - pretty much all of my clothes are brighter and floral! In fact, this is not a good things, I need to cut down on my florals! I have a reputation for buying any pretty flowery dress I see! I even buy old ladies floral dresses from charity shops to customise in to nice young ones!
Back then, I was single and really unconfident around guys. My confidence with men is now amazing! I will go and talk to most guys, I have no worries now, which makes me the perfect wing girl! And I now have a lovely bf. Back then, I used to think who would want me at my size? Granted, I am smaller now, but I am still big and I have a great bf and am SO happy. In fact, I think I'm falling in love! Everybody say "ahhhhhhhhhhhhh"! (puke!) <3
I was stuck in this dead end job, I had no way of moving on in my job, and I have completely turned my life around, going to uni.
Basically, it just got me thinking, I am so, so, so proud of myself, and even though I am finding it mega difficult to lose weight due to my social life in the Summer and when at uni, I am proud of how far I have come since then - and I think it is generally due to the weight I have lost