sarah's simply filling food diary

Wk 21 day 1 sf 49w/p


2x OSS

Veg curry, to try ate prob a third of the plate

Chicken kebabs
Roasted veg
New pots
Petit pain

Homemade 0pp ice cream

Had visit from the choccie monster today!!
Twix 8pp
Bounty 8pp
Think it's cause ive had very little since last sat, but I'm fine about using all those pp as I no I can stick to 26pp a day!

16w/p used
33 weeklies remain

40 min walk with the dog!


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Wow curry an icecream looks great!

Sounds like you had a busy day cooking etc!

Did the icecream taste as good as it looks?
Mmm icecream looks lush I've very jealous of all the pics of syn free/ point free icecream I am seeing on diaries lately! Need to munch a good bit of food to make space for one in the freezer! X
Purpled said:
Wow curry an icecream looks great!

Sounds like you had a busy day cooking etc!

Did the icecream taste as good as it looks?

Yeah busy cooking all morning! Good to get some food made for up!

Yeah it was really nice, a little icy but id admit I didn't really blend it much just stirred it! It had a lovely lemon tang to it, and the chunks of strawberries made it really good!
Jaly said:
Your icecream looks absolutely gorgeous!

Hope you enjoyed your wee choccie treats! x

Yeah I did! :) naughty I no but so worth it! They been in the cupboard since mon so I did well!
The ice cream looks good Sarah. Glad you enjoyed it. I am now contemplating other flavours for this week as I put the ice cream maker straight back in the freezer ready for use. I am thinking maybe lemon ice cream with a blackcurrant ripple. Rhubarb and stem ginger also appeals. OH has put an order in for some vanilla with golden syrup swirl. I suspect I might be making alot of ice cream this week...

Your weight loss so far is brilliant. And in a relatively short period of time. I think the one day off and 1lb gain is definitely put into perspective seeing how much you have lost in black and white :)
Having a problem with choc the last 2 days, had a mint aero earlier now I just had a double decker! Another 9 weeklies used today! I just wanna sit here and eat chocolate I don't no what's wrong with me!
Day 2 26pp 33w/p


Toasted ham sw 7pp
Baked stars 3pp

Lasagne 11pp

Mint aero 6pp
Double decker 8pp
Pick & mix strawberry x1 1pp

36pp used
10 weeklies used
23w/p remain

30 day shred lv 2
60 min cross trainer
My dog has a limp so no walk today!
Washed and hoovered the car
Nomes said:
Aw hope your dog is ok :)

Yeah she's been on off limping on both front legs recently for like 5mins then she's fine, but last night she started limping and is still now, she hasn't done anything just started limping but if I take her vet it will b an X-ray, been b4 about it and god know how much an X-ray is! But if it continues I will have to take her in
See how she is on Monday. Vets are outrageously expensive. Ours is £35 just for an appointment then whatever they prescribe ontop! Hope she's ok. Xx
Becktoria79 said:
See how she is on Monday. Vets are outrageously expensive. Ours is £35 just for an appointment then whatever they prescribe ontop! Hope she's ok. Xx

Yeah that's what mine is, will b consultation then X-ray ect, so prob expensive, I have no insurance either! Sounds stupid but I just can't afford it, the amount of things u gotta have insurance for just adds up!
Almost 14months
Sorry to hear your dog is limping but completely understand about giving it a couple of days before going to the vets to get it checked out. When we still had our dog he was incredibly clumsy and would manage to fall over (usually because he wasn't looking where he was going and was watching people walk past) on a regular basis. I have never met a less coordinated 4 legged creature in my life. Generally we would give a day or so to see if the limp cleared up on its own.

What breed is she, Sarah? I just ask as if you don't think she has done anything there are some breeds which are more prone to joint problems, and they often show up from 9-18 months of age. Probably daft to ask but have you checked there she doesn't have a splinter or a seed stuck in her paw?

Fingers crossed she is back to normal to day and you can start enjoying your walks together again.