Thank you all so much, it really means a lot to know that I can come on here to talk about things and all you lovely people are here to listen
I went over to my Grandparents again yesterday morning. The antibiotica weren't doing anything, so they've now put him on a second lot that are much stronger, and will attack anything that might be lurking around in him. He seemed far more settled, and he'd eaten a bowl of soup for lunch (my Grandma made a full dinner and pureed it into soup form) which she now has to feed him. My Grandma, the miricle that she is, insisted on feeding us all (my Aunt and Uncle were there too). She'd made meat pie for dinner, which obviously I can't eat, but she gave me a big plate of roasted veg, in loads of oil, and then a slice of treacle tart with ice-cream! I couldn't say no, she needs as much normality around her as possible at the moment. It wasn't half good! My Grandma makes the best treacle tart in the world :drool:
I had a turorial yesterday on drug calculations, and there's a new girl who's joined our group this year. Most of my group are lovely, but this new girl (who seems like the type who would've been one of the *****y popular girls at school) kept making comments about me being a geek because I knew all the answers and can understand the formulas for drug calcs without writing them down. It made me feel like I was back at school, being picked on for being the clever one. Just what I didn't need, what with everything else going on. Anyway, at the end of the tutorial, when everyone else had gone, my tutor asked me if I was alright. Of course, that was the wroong question to ask, and I dissolved into a blubbering mess! I'm not usually like that at all, so felt very silly. I've adapted very well to hiding my emotions and being the rock for everyone else, but she was lovely about it.
Anyway, come weigh in I got the shock of my life! I was hoping for maybe a 2lb loss, but got on the scales and I'd lost 4.5lb!!!

You could've knocked me down with a feather! I got SOTW, and my stone award, which I thought would be at least another week away! I have to say, it really made my day!
I'm currently at my Dad's, my stepmum and I have worked out a rota for the week around our work schedules so there is always someone with him, and today is my day. I'm getting in some body magic running up and down the stairs every hour to refresh his ice packs! :8855:
The second date went well (I think) although he seems quite shy, which I'm not really used to! We've now been out twice, and still not even a kiss, although there was a bit of an awkward moment when I dropped him off on Tues night and he didn't seem sure what to do when he got out the car :8855:I'm not used to this dating malarky!
Anyway, I'm hungry now, so I'm off to find something for breakfast and to see if Dad needs anything, will post a food plan later xxx