Well, I'm mid-way through my night shift, and lets just say my black hole Wednesday night has carried on well into Thursday morning! I had McDonalds between WI and work as I planned, but I've basically been eating biscuits and chocolate all night! I think I've had 3 (maybe 4) chocolate hobnobs, about half a box of festive friends biscuits and about 8 little chocolate ball things that one of the patients gave us while we were doing the drug round. Whoops! They've all gone now though, so I can't eat anymore and will definitely be back on plan as of now. To be fair, it's probably not an awful lot worse than my normal Wednesday night blowout, it's just been spread out over a longer period of time!
I think it's going to be more difficult planning my food while I'm on nights, but I'm sure I'll come up with something to avoid all the biscuits tomorrow. At least I'm only doing the 2, if I was on them all week I think it would totally screw up my weight loss! I want a biggie next week too, I'm only 3.5lb away from my 2 stone sticker!
I got nominated for Miss Slinky in group too, I'm a bit pleased about that! I don't think I'll win it, there's a woman in our group who has lost 8 stone who's also nominated, and I think she'll get it. There are 2 men, one of whom is at target and the other has lost I think a stone and a half in 9 weeks, and another woman who's at target. Also, I know it was my Mum who nominated me, but even so, it's given me a boost
I feel like I've rambled on for ages! This is what I'm like at 4 in the morning, I talk a load of rubbish. All the sugar probably hasn't helped! :8855: