Sarah's Target & 10K Mission

Hello lovelies!

I'm so sorry I haven't been around - this whole house selling and buying business is mega stressful and I have been totally off plan and have also done my back in so I've been in agony! Thankfully the osteopath has crunched me this morning and hopefully it'll be on the mend. The house stuff is all going through now - we spent last week working through the mountains of paperwork so now it's just waiting for surveys and solicitors to sort themselves out and give us a moving date to aim for.

Hope you guys are all well. I'm feeling gutted about how much weight I must have put on - but now the calendar is jam packed until January so I have no idea when I will be able to climb back onto the wagon!

Hey you, you have so much going on, Just take it day by day, we will be here when you get back. Not that I'm really managing to stick fully to plan but there you go, life gets in the way sometimes. so pleased the house stuff is getting sorted for you. xx
Thanks darlings - you are so lovely! I really miss keeping up with things on here but life is so hectic at the moment, I just haven't had chance. xx
I totally feel your pain! I've had a couple of weeks off myself cos my head just wasnt it in with too much else going on! Just try not to undo tooo much of your hard work and we'll all be here ready and waiting to support when you're back in the game! :)
Hey lovelies! I'm back with 11 whole pounds of November and December gain to shift! I have so many diaries to catch up on - hopefully work won't be too busy today!xxx

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Happy New Year honey! Great to see that you're back. I was off SW in December eating my own weight in chocolate so also back and determined to meet target in 2014.

I hope work isn't too busy for you .... I so can't be bothered with it today haha

Hope 2014 is wonderful for you :) xxxx
Hey gorgeous girl!

Glad I'm not the only one who had a naughty December - I was mostly off-plan in November too while we were buying the house. Far too many nights of opening a bottle of wine!

I can see every one of the lbs I've gained in my clothes and my skin - I can't wait to be back on it and feeling, as well as looking, better!

How was your Christmas and New Year honey? Did you have fun?

Ooh - are your stats correct? If so we are the same weight and have almost the same target (I really want to get under 10st properly before I call target - purely psychological, but still!). We can totally do this, can't we :)

Right then, let's do this! Food for today will be of the EE variety:

B - Activia yoghurt and an Alpen Light (1/2 HEXB)
L - Chicken & Sweetcorn Mug Shot with added tomatoes and celery
D - Chicken and tomato omelette topped with HEXA cheddar
Snacks - Alpen Light (1/2 HEXB), banana, Reece's Peanut Butter Cup (4 syns)

Hoping little Tesco downstairs has got the latest mag so that I can get some inspiration prior to my shop tonight. Has anyone tried any new recipes lately I should be looking at? Will definitely be batch cooking some soup this weekend to get me through next week at work.

I can tell I'm back in the zone as I'm getting very excited about meal planning. That's really sad, isn't it. Lol!

So tomorrow's going to be a lovely green day:
B - overnight oats (HEXB1) with raspberries
L - roasted carrot soup with 3 crisp bread (1/2 HEXB2) and 2 Laughing Cow Light triangles (1/2 HEXA1)
D - Pea and leek risotto topped with HEXA2 Parmesan

Saturday (EE)
B/L - scrambled eggs with smoked salmon and HEXB wholemeal roll
D - Spanish chicken casserole with plenty of veg, served with lots of lovely mash

Sunday (EE)
D - Roast gammon with SW roasties, carrot mash, brocolli and 1 syn gravy
Sounds like you're right back on it hun! Food plans all sound good for the next few days too :D I'm the same as you and really want to get concretely into the 9s before I call target, feels like a long way to go after the xmas gains, but we've done it before and we can do it again!! xx
We definitely can! I keep kicking myself that I have been in those 9s and so close to target so many times and this morning I almost saw an 11 on the scales again. It's really frustrating! But I need to use that as a positive instead - knowing that I can get there. This year WILL be the year I get to target and jolly well stay there! :D xx
Wooo...the girl is back in town (sung to the tune of 'the boys are back in town' haha) lovely to see your face on here again..i have of course been keeping up with all non sw related antics on FB..and looks like youve been having a ball! Time to get back to business now for all of us it seems and make 2014 the year we hit target! Woop bring it on! :) xxx
Hello gorgeous! Thank you (for the lovely words and the earworm!!) - it's good to be back.

Looks like you had an awesome new year! Pics on FB were fab. You're such a stunner! e

Were the scales kind this morning? I hope they weren't as cruel as mine!

You're so right about target. Go team!! ;)

Hey gorgeous girl!

Glad I'm not the only one who had a naughty December - I was mostly off-plan in November too while we were buying the house. Far too many nights of opening a bottle of wine!

I can see every one of the lbs I've gained in my clothes and my skin - I can't wait to be back on it and feeling, as well as looking, better!

How was your Christmas and New Year honey? Did you have fun?

Ooh - are your stats correct? If so we are the same weight and have almost the same target (I really want to get under 10st properly before I call target - purely psychological, but still!). We can totally do this, can't we :)


Hehe you were definitely not the only naughty one :p and your new house is a perfectly good reason to be naughty!

Yeah i know what you mean. My clothes still fit but i can feel my stomach again when i sit down - not having that!

My christmas and new year were lovely thank you. A lot of booze was consumed but i enjoyed the excuse ;) Did you have a good one?

My stats are a little different now unfortunately :( I am back on 11st 1lb i think! will weigh in officially Monday morning before i start back on plan! But yes still similar to yours! I think my final target will be under 10st too but if i saw it on the scales i would be ecstatic!

We 100% can do this!!

We had an amazing Christmas, thank you. Dave and I went with my parents and both my Nans who are 92 to a beautiful hotel in deepest, darkest Sussex and spent 4 days being totally spoilt. Lots and lots of food and booze although we did go for a walk, a bike ride and did some clay pigeon shooting. Definitely not enough to counteract all the yumminess, but at least a token gesture! lol.

I was expecting to see an 11 on the scales this morning but managed to keep it just in the 10s. You'll be back there before you know it and we're on the final stretch towards target. I've sat at 10st/10.1 so many times now and it's those final few lbs into the 9s that my body really doesn't seem to want to shift. I guess we'll just have to see how we feel when we get there!

Welcome back, it looks like weve all made a return hehe :)
11lbs is nothing in the grand scheme of things and that will be off before you know it :)
Your meal planning looks really good, I just love planning and shopping around slimming world it makes me feel in control.

Happy new year to you xx