Sarah's Target & 10K Mission

The first 4 of the good wife are on Netflix and Virgin on Demand.

Currently watching Tangled with Dave and loving it. I'm such a big kid!xx

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The first 4 of the good wife are on Netflix and Virgin on Demand. Currently watching Tangled with Dave and loving it. I'm such a big kid!xx Sent from my iPhone using MiniMins

Oh my god I love tangled!! It's the only newish Disney I liked....probs because I daydreamed that one day I'd be able to grow my hair that long! Hahah! Hope you're feeling a little better gorgeous xxx
Morning girls,

I got crunched by the osteopath last night so feeling quite sore this morning but hoping by tomorrow I'll be fixed! Feel a bit sick too - it's starting to freak me out with all this talk of royal babies! lol.

Glad it's hump day already and it's WFH day tomorrow. Might try and WFH on Friday too, but depends what happens.

Not sure what the day will end up looking like food-wise; I'm really not feeling very hungry and only nibbled on dinner last night, so trying to keep it nice and light! Here's what's planned so far:
B - Muller Greek (1/2) with strawbs and rasps
L - Muller Greek with pineapple
D - Roasted tomato soup with HEXB wholemeal roll

Hope you start feeling better :) I have had some similar worries recently but think mother nature is about to show! Phew!

Food does sound light - make sure you eat enough honey as it can make you feel worse when you're ill if you don't eat enough to keep your energy up xxxx
Well it's all just gone slightly wrong - ended up with a Tesco Light Choices prawn sarnie and salted Kettle Chips, and have just demollished some Twix Mix too. No idea where the appetite came from but suffice to say I'll be eating extremely light for the rest of the day!!! xx
Honey it really sounds like you need to eat - just let yourself xxxx
A light choice sandwich and a small packet of crisps won't ruin anything!

As the girls have already said too, your food menu was looking a little light today anyway with just fruit/yog/soup that you maybe needed something more substantial anyway.

Hope you're feeling a bit better xxxx
Then there was the Twix Mix...quite a lot of Twix Mix! Soup tonight might be just what I need! lol.

Still at work at the moment and feeling OK - my first full day in over 2 weeks! Glad I'm WFH tomorrow though...looks like I might have to be in on Friday but might try and swing an early finish xxx
Aladdin has awesome songs. And Robin Williams. Oh now I don't know which one to watch! Maybe I can convince Dave to have a Disney marathon tonight, seeing as we have finished The Good Wife and are feeling bereft! xxx

Is the good wife good? Looking for a new series ...
Hope you start feeling back to normal soon Hun x x
Hello Miss Corset - Hope you are feeling better. When it's getting to my * time, I just normally want to eat everything in site! So I find it better to go with what i want and then get back on it when I feel like I can.
Lisa - the Good Wife is AMAZING! Deffo give it a try. We started watching Sons of Anarchy last night, which was ok - might be our next series. We tried to watch the first episode of the Killing too, but I was shattered and fell asleep #narcoeptic!

Thanks Ria. I have a coil so don't have to worry about * week, but being poorly the last few weeks has definitely done some crazy things to my body. I was pretty naughty yesterday but feel like part of it is my body needing more fuel to give me the energy I need to get back to normal. Will be back on it next week!!

Thanks gorgeous Ging!

We are hoping to go and watch some cycling as it's the Tour of Britain this week and it's a bit of a tradition for us - we have watched it every year we've been together. Tomorrow it's a stage from Camberley to Brighton so we are going to watch them on Ditchling Beacon with some friends - it's a HUGE hill just outside Brighton so should get a good view. Then it's the London stage on Sunday so I think we are going to watch the races from Tower Hill-ish. Both days will include picnic food but no booze for me - I still just can't fancy it. Dave opened a bottle of really nice white last night but I just didn't want it. Need to start building up a bit of a tolerance again before Stacey's hen or I'll be a right mess! lol.

What have you got planned honey? Out to play while the boy's away?

Thanks Pip! Not sure what to take yet - need to go to Tesco this afternoon. Deffo SW onion bhajis - they are my fave for snackage! Maybe try out some SW scotch eggs? Might do a pasta bake which can be eaten cold? We have done some brilliant SW picnics before but my diary is so many pages now, it's almost impossible to find them for inspiration! xxx