Sarah's Target & 10K Mission

Wow! That's some lush food you have lined up!

And your running - just amazing! I feel like such a lazy lump this week. I'm having to resort to squats as and when I can between appts. Not the same!!!

I often find that a fast day that doesn't go quite to plan ends up being quite off plan. I find it tough to switch from fast to SW, I just go off the rails. You haven't effed up though mate, like lil says - you're back on it today and doing amazingly. Don't give yourself a hard time xxx
It's just one of those days chick, it happens to us all, sometimes you just need to eat what you want and get it out of your system!

Your food today - particularly tea sounds epic!
Sarah can I ask you more about the little things you got for the hen do to take the photographs with?

How did it work exactly? Would you mind if I pinched the idea just to add something else to the party? x

Hola chica!

Of course I don't mind you pinching the idea! I ordered the little stretchy men from Amazon and popped one into each party bag along with a little note which said something like "My name is Colin and I want to enjoy Sam's hen weekend with you!" and explained that the aim of the game was to take photos of Colin in lots of random places/situations etc. (I think one of the girls set up a private FB group we were all sharing them in or you could hashtag them on IG). My choice of the most ridiculous/hilarious photo won a little prize. One Colin ended up dipped in a candle (giving him a nice waxy hat), another ended up swimming in a bottle of baby oil, others were acting out the Karma Sutra or making friends with randoms in clubs! It was such a giggle.

I can probably look back and find some of the pics on FB if you want an example ;)

I would also second the idea someone mentioned the other day about everyone buying the bride a little gift which represents how they met her or a funny story about a time together. We did that on Stacey's hen in October and it was a great ice breaker over dinner on the first night (she opened pressies whilst we were waiting for food).

Girls - I need your advice about lunch. I have bought soup with me but I am literally ravenous and my tummy is rumbling SO loudly, I think I need something to go with it! Any ideas?

I've already had 1/2 my HEXB in my overnight oats, so I could grab a Ryvita? If I use the rest of my HEXB I will also need something to get my through the 3pm slump because that was going to be an Alpen Light.

I could eat my own arm right now...12pm can't come quickly enough!! xxx
Thanks Sarah!

I've already emailed all the hens about the gifts and have just ordered the little yellow stretchy men!

Also picked up lots of perfume samples on ebay to add to the party bags and might have enough to order some personalised bags for everyone tomorrow! Wooo!

Thank you!!! xxx

(P.S. re lunch, I'd buy some cooked chicken or low syn/syn free tikka/piri piri pieces from the shop - protein will fill you! x)
Sounds like you've got it totally under control there, Lil. The girls will all have a fantastic time! Can't wait to hear all about it.

How did the dress fitting go, BTW? And did you get your Spanx sorted? (not that you need them - you're teeny weeny!)

Great shout on lunch - Tesco do lots of free cooked chickeny type things. Thank you!! xxx
How about a pickled egg? Or a little box of prawns / cooked chicken / ham? Bananas help my afternoon slump and I am partial to little yogurt in the pm...

A pickled egg?! You wrong'un! I had a pack of Tesco sweet chilli chicken pieces. They were yum! Although then one of the clients came in with chocolates and I have had one or two. Oops!!x xx
How was weigh in darling? And did you have a good weekend? xxxx
Hello gorgeous ones!

Sorry for the lack of posts - have been so busy! Weekend was lovely - went for a long walk on Saturday then had friends for dinner. Being good went a bit out the window and A LOT of red wine was consumed! Felt horrendous on Saturday but didn't fall too far off the wagon except for a piece of leftover pavlova!

STS at WI yesterday which isn't a surprise after the weekend, but I've started to feel slimmer and I think it must be the running. I managed 3k on Saturday - should have been 5km but I was so hungover I thought I might pass out after 2km! Should have gone this morning too but we had a bit of snow and I was worried about slipping over plus I didn't sleep very much. It's 18 years today since my cousin passed away (he was 20) so it's always a bit of an emotional day for us all. Will try and get out tonight even though I really struggle with running in the evening. If I don't do that, I might have a quick session on Dave's turbo trainer bike thingy!

Dave now knows we are going to Bruges so we can get properly excited. I sneaked the DVD with the fake cover (with his face on) into the drawer under the TV at the weekend and just waited for him to find it. His reaction was priceless - love that I caught him totally off guard!! We leave at silly o'clock on Friday morning and we've got VIP parking at Ebbsfleet. Going to start packing my case tonight and get any washing done of things I want to take. Then just need to go round to Mum's tomorrow before dancing and wrap the Cristal and a couple of other bits I've got him to open on the day. Ooh roll on 4.30pm on Thursday when the holiday officially begins!!

Going for a green day today (slightly boring food day but got up late and had zero enthusiasm!):
B - Muller Greek (1/2) and a 'nana
L - Porridge (HEXB1 & 1/2 HEXA1) and another 'nana
D - Bacon (HEXB2) and veg omelette with salad (2 syns for dressing and 1/2 HEXA cheese)
Snackage - TBC but probably chocolatey!

That DVD idea is just the sweetest, I bet his reaction was pure gold. you're so thoughtful Sarah :)

I had an horrendous red wine hangover on Saturday too. Disgraceful. I got up in the middle of the pub, joined the band, requested proud mary and starting singing, thinking I was Tina bloody Turner!!! Needless to say I was not and I was absolutely horrendous. I'm surprised I didn't get thrown out! It just added to the horrors on Saturday too...!

Fair play for getting out and doing 3k, I couldn't even open my eyes most of the day!

Hope you can have a good day with everything considered, you have a lot to look forward to :) xx
OMG Lil, you total legend!! Thankfully we were having a night in, so no external embarassment, but I do remember laying in bed with my foot on the floor to stop the room spinning and repeatedly telling Dave I felt really poorly! When will we learn?!

I'm still not sure how I managed to run at all. Dave went out to the garage to do a HIIT turbo trainer session and the guilt hit me so I got dressed and went out. I went so dizzy I thought I was going to pass out but thankfully it was raining so that was refreshing and I made it round without any disasters!! Haven't missed a run yet so really need to get my ass outside tonight.

Hi lovely,
It sounds like you had a good night but a not so good morning after!

Aaw that was a sweet thing to do for Dave to help him find out where you were going. I'll bet you can't wait now. It's going to be FAB!!