becoming a happier, healthier me
Your new dresses are lovely, you look so slim!!! Very jealous of the nice weather, it's been really miserable and cold here :-( hope your enjoying your time off lovely lady! x
Your new dresses are lovely, you look so slim!!! Very jealous of the nice weather, it's been really miserable and cold here :-( hope your enjoying your time off lovely lady! x
Aww that sucks about the weather hun. It's supposed to be rubbish here from tomorrow
I'm having slight buyers remorse about how much I've bought this week. But having a new work wardrobe will be so fab!xx
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You will feel amazing in your new dresses when you start your new job! We have a smart/casual dresscode at work which means I usually wear jeans but somedays I really think I should go and buy myself a proper work wardrobe. I'd love to wear little dresses and pencil skirts but I always seem to put it on hold until I've lost weight x
I'm super jealous of your lay in! Poached eggs on toast is such a good brekkie!
I cant believe the weather..I think I went to sleep and woke up in a different country this morning! blurgh its miserable.
Ooo potentially more work dresses to be purchased during the M&S browse?! I often do the same on a saturday with my mum and nana...gotta love that there's something for everyone there..even if its just the percy pigs!!
Have a lovely day oh lady of leisure!
Hello lovely, found your diary! Loving the title :giggle:
Just realised how close to target you are, eek!! You have done amazingly well.
Hope you have a lovely weekend xx
Aww thanks hunYep, having the boy make brekkie is always brill!
I'm in between sizes in M&S at the mo but would like some new underwear as I've gone down one or two back sizes so might get a couple of nice sets to go underneath the work dresses. They have some nice shoes in at the mo too. Plus Percy's too - need to check the syns of those bad boys!xx
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Amazing ploughmans style lunch. 1 syn for parma ham and 2 syns for chutney plus my hexa cheese and hexb ryvita. Delish!
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Whens your weigh day? x
Ahh fingers crossed then x