Sarah's Target & 10K Mission

1lb off for me this week, so back to my pre-hen party weight of 10.1. I'm a bit disappointed as I wanted to be a bit nearer the 9s and I feel like I passed some huge tests this week with resisting Borough Market and stuff. But then maybe there were hidden syns in the meals out I's always tricky when you're not in control. At least I should be having dinner at home every night this week - just out for a couple of lunches. Will have to make sure they are jacket potatoes so I can't get caught out!xx

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Well done on the loss Sarah. I'm sure you'll get into the 9s next week x
Well done huni!
Remember you always tell me, life is for would be no fun if you'd got into the 9s weeks ago but had to sit in every night with no socialising to get there. This way, when you hit them (and you will!) you'll know that you did it without having to sacrifice too much overall..and you can keep the faith that sw really is something that works in tandem with real life as opposed to a quick fix. Xxx
Well done on the loss :) 1lb is still a loss and you will get to the 9s, that's the most important thing! xx
I've been reading through your diary, we had the same to lose from when we started (well 0.5lb difference!) and are almost the same height - you are doing really well and I love all your dresses! Reading this has inspired me, my losses have been pretty slow (and a bumpy start to it all) - I have Type 1 diabetes which makes things a bit more of a challenge but if I can fit into dresses like you have then I'll be over the moon!

My holiday in July was my original target but have kind of accepted that won't happen now but would still like as much as possible off by then, and the rest (plus whatever I gain!) can come off between then and Xmas I hope!

You are so close to your target, well will see those 9's soon! xx
I've been reading through your diary, we had the same to lose from when we started (well 0.5lb difference!) and are almost the same height - you are doing really well and I love all your dresses! Reading this has inspired me, my losses have been pretty slow (and a bumpy start to it all) - I have Type 1 diabetes which makes things a bit more of a challenge but if I can fit into dresses like you have then I'll be over the moon!

My holiday in July was my original target but have kind of accepted that won't happen now but would still like as much as possible off by then, and the rest (plus whatever I gain!) can come off between then and Xmas I hope!

You are so close to your target, well will see those 9's soon! xx

Hey Laura

Thanks for stopping by abs for your lovely words. Looks like your journey is going well so far - I'm sure you will look absolutely fab on your holidays! Have you got a diary on here? Xx

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Hey Laura

Thanks for stopping by abs for your lovely words. Looks like your journey is going well so far - I'm sure you will look absolutely fab on your holidays! Have you got a diary on here? Xx

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Yeah but have been a bit rubbish at keeping it - am going to try better to update through the day when I am eating etc like you and a few others I had read do, I was trying to wait til the end of the day but then at night I am too busy/tired to do it lol.

I'll link to it in a bit when I update ;)

My losses are ok, but not as good as I had expected, the next 9 weeks I am going hardcore!!! Have started the couch to 5k running app too and if I can run 5K in 8 weeks I will be amazed haha!
Yeah but have been a bit rubbish at keeping it - am going to try better to update through the day when I am eating etc like you and a few others I had read do, I was trying to wait til the end of the day but then at night I am too busy/tired to do it lol.

I'll link to it in a bit when I update ;)

My losses are ok, but not as good as I had expected, the next 9 weeks I am going hardcore!!! Have started the couch to 5k running app too and if I can run 5K in 8 weeks I will be amazed haha!

Keeping the diary definitely helps. Otherwise I find it too easy to forget bits here and there.

Well done on the c25k - I've started it a few times but never got to the end! I've got the next 3 weeks off work though so maybe I should give it another whirl!xx

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Keeping the diary definitely helps. Otherwise I find it too easy to forget bits here and there.

Well done on the c25k - I've started it a few times but never got to the end! I've got the next 3 weeks off work though so maybe I should give it another whirl!xx

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Definitely, if you have time off work I'd go for it, much easier to do stuff without silly work getting in the way! ;) lol. I will be amazed if I get to the end though too and if I do I will be keeping the fitness up, I am so unfit but would love to be able to do a run 2 or 3 times a week as I just don't have the time for the gym at the moment.

My diary here

I keep my food diary on the SW site too, so was getting confused with so much to update haha! I agree it is so easy to forget little things though, like sauces/dressing etc when not writing it down.
I'm unfit too! Used to go to the gym 3/4 times a week but then changed job to a super stressful one working silly hours so for the last 18 months I've done nothing! OH and I walk a bit at weekends but he is super fit (he loves cycling and does at least 100 miles a week). I need to find something I love.

I've tried the 30 Day Shred before too - that was fab. Once I'm at target I'm going to use that to get toned up :)

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So, food for today:

B - Muller Light with strawberries
L - 3 leftover SW KFC chicken pieces (1/3 hexb) coleslaw (1 syn), salad. Mango (I love mango so much!)
D - chicken pilaf (from latest mag)
Snacks - banana, 2 small squares of white Milka (2 syns) mini twister (2 syns). Hot milk (hexa) with 2 sponge fingers or 4 mikado (2 syns)

Damn it, just had a shortbread biscuit for 5 syns - I'd forgotten about the Milka! Should have come here and checked. Still within syns though so not disastrous!

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I'm unfit too! Used to go to the gym 3/4 times a week but then changed job to a super stressful one working silly hours so for the last 18 months I've done nothing! OH and I walk a bit at weekends but he is super fit (he loves cycling and does at least 100 miles a week). I need to find something I love.

I've tried the 30 Day Shred before too - that was fab. Once I'm at target I'm going to use that to get toned up :)

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Yeah I started the 30 day shred a few weeks ago...the week I gained 1.5lbs! Grrrr. My consultant swore it was the muscle water retention thing (and I am sure she was right) but it's hard to see a gain lol. I did 5 days I think, but my problem is I find it fine to do in the day but when I leave it until evening I need to balance it alongside my evening meal (for my insulin dose!) and I'm so pooped by the time I have got my two little ones bathed/to bed etc (my OH does shift work, night shifts included) that getting my butt off the sofa just sometimes didn't happen! I will re-start it but for now hoping the running will work - it's still easy enough to fit into my day but the fact it gets me out the house to do it is important, yet doesn't take as long as a trip to the gym would!

Working + kids + shift work + trying to fit in family time = not enough hours in the day for ME time! Lol.
Oh bless you! I have no idea how you fit everything in!

Well you inspired me to get out and do some exercise! Did a c25k session - pretty much 2 min jogging/2 min walking intervals but did an extra 20 mins power walk afterwards.

Definitely earned my lunch of leftover KFC chicken!



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Hello lovely, well done on the loss this week! You are so close to getting into the 9's and you will hopefully within the next week or so. Much planned for today? xxx

Hello lovely one!

Thank you :) I know I shouldn't be disappointed with 1lb. Just need to focus on getting there next week!

I've been clearing out my wardrobes this morning (currently half done!) and have been out for a jog. Just treating myself to a quick sit down before I finish off my sort out and get some washing on. What a glamorous life I'm leading!

How's your Monday working out?xx

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