Sara's Dukan Diary: Stage 2 Cruise

STOPPPPPP!!! Remember when I weighed mid week and had put a pound on last week?????? You were the voice of reason - right back at ya Sara!!! x
Sara.....behave....its mid week, don't weigh... your sounding a touch unmotivated at the moment, howay lass me and you got to see this through to the end. Big breath.....look over your shoulder and see how far you've come now look forward now what do you, come on Sara like P, said its a poo xxx
Official WI this morning and it's confirmed: 1lb on this week. Back up to half a stone off TW. Don't quite know what to do, I can't go on eating like this for ever but the weight's not dropping any more. I really hoped to be on to Conso by the beginning of the school holidays so I could eat more normally with the kids, especially when out and about. I'll give it one more week and see what happens...
One more week is a good plan, Stan.

As Sid is fond of saying, head down and bum up! :D

We're all with you in spirit

P xxx
Sara, I think your body is just waiting for me too catch up lol don't lose heart this close to TW xxx
Come on Sara don't give up now and if you have to go onto PV days for a while to help you out with eating out with the children! YOU CAN DO THIS. x
You are doing great Sara!! you are well within a normal BMI now, maybe its time for conso?? you may lose more weight in Conso too. Good luck with whatever you decide to do, but dont give up, we are all her to offer support and the occasional kick up the jacksy to keep you on track. Cx
Sara come on love - the nearer TW is bound to be harder but DO NOT give in. You've done so well and dont let the bugger beat you. Only get weighed at your normal day & time or it messes with you if its not a minus. The melon is waiting for you love - chin up and I'm waiting for you too, and Ellie, and Trudy :D xxx
Sara, Sara, how is it going over there? Don't leave us hanging! Jx
What's going on, Joodle, is school holidays - 4 kids at home and OH swanning off to Corfu with his mates for 3 days! No time to log on.

Right, this is what's happening: I borrowed the book from the library again at the weekend and read it properly - didn't just skim as I did the first time. I'm doing 5 strict pp days in a row this week, last one on Thursday before wi on Friday. I'm going to lose what I can for this week and the 3 weeks after that then go on to Conso - and proper Conso, none of this toe in the water stuff. At the end of August I have a week fully-catered at a music camp in Dorset then a week abroad (I hope) with the family so I have no intention of pp/pv-ing my way through that. Besides, the book makes it very clear that the Conso plan is designed to train your body to accept its new weight, so I want to follow it to the letter - no going under tw, or over (eg on hols) and having to go back to Cruise - I never want to worry about my weight again!

So that's the plan, Stan. And by the way, the book says nothing about limiting the amount of diet pop you drink, in fact Dr Dukan is a big fan, so I drank my way through 2 l Caffeine-Free Diet Coke and 2 l Value Diet Lemonade yesterday, as well as masses of water - IT WAS HOT!!

See you all soon, my minimin friends. Your kind words and encouragement are much appreciated. I have to make this work over the next 3 weeks! Good luck to you too xx
Defo a plan stan........a very confident winners plan, have a good one, till you have time to log on again Sara xxx
Alone with 4 children? I'd have eaten a house! Plan sounds excellent, go, go Dukan winner Sara! Jx
Hark you Sara, showing limbs and everything lol good for you, so now update photos please lol xxx