(Will)PowerPuff Girl! X
I've just paid £99 inc postage for mine - was a special offer - I know its a lot but apparently you will have stuff left after the 9 days too
99 pounds even. ...!!
That's really good value
I've just paid £99 inc postage for mine - was a special offer - I know its a lot but apparently you will have stuff left after the 9 days too
99 pounds even. ...!!
And I guess because its guaranteed to work you know you're not wasting your money, you could spend half that on something which doesn't work! Rather something which does work and pay a bit more! X
I've just paid £99 inc postage for mine - was a special offer - I know its a lot but apparently you will have stuff left after the 9 days too
That's really good valuex
Exactly I've seen so many people benefit from it. They do some fantastic products I'm going to try the oil for stretch marks soon. I've been thinking about becoming a distributor because the products are so good.
I had mine quite cheap because my friend wanted me to donut with her. So she got it at a reduced price.
Yeah it's good especially because I would never have started losing weight if it wasn't for the detox![]()
How u feeling today Sweetie? Any plans? X
I'm feeling good. Going to have to take movocol later if you catch my drift. But other than that I'm grand.
I am going to play boccia with my brother for a few hours and then I have a review in work. I've been there for 8 weeks so they are going to go through my progress with me and stuff.
I hope it's all good. I can't see why It wouldn't be.
How about you? Xx
We are off out for a Picnic shortlyThe sun is shining so I'm looking forward to it! I hope things 'get moving' soon! X Ps-You're doing fab at work, sure it's just a formality! X
I no ppl who hav done the aloe Vera detox and loved it!!!!!
That's awful vicky !!!! So sorry to hear that....
OMG Vicky! That's awful, u worked your socks off too! Now will u tell us which pub it is ;-) Have u worked your last shift then? X
Ha I know I ran around like a blue arsed fly.
The majority of the complaint was because the carvery didn't have any meat. Yet again. But I guess they have to have someone to blame!
It was a shambles and the pay was rubbish. But i lost a lot of weight and made some good friends while working there so can't complain
It was the sandmartin. A marstons pub in Cardiff
Worked my last shift on Monday. Ill get paid the next 2 Fridays because I had to work a week in hand and I work for my brother 25 hours a week so that'll ride me over![]()
As long you'll be ok financially, don't like idea of them leaving u in the lurch! X
I'm lucky actually as up until now I've only done 10 hours with James it's only this past month that its been upped to 25!
I'm quite good with money since I've been dieting, despite being on minimum wage I've still managed to save quite a bit. Purely because I haven't been going out for food and I haven't been buying clothes ha although I treated myself to new swimwear last week and I'm going to do the same this week with gym clothes
Thank goodness for saving!
Saving is great, makes the things seem better when u buy them too! I definitely spend less now I'm dieting, hardly any takeaways or meals out or snacks on the go! X
That's pants about the job but u have the right attitude in not letting it bother you and like you said you made loads of nice people while working there and ya Got ta workout for free99
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I'm quite good at saving now. With money and points lol. I spend a lot on fruit mind but mum goes halves with me usually ha.
I said to mum on the way home is it bad that I don't even care. Ill get another job. I'm happy with just working for my brother ATM.
There is no way I deserved the sack. But I was in my probation. So they can sack you for anything. Rubbish.
OMG that is totally out of order, 1 complaint is not a good enough reason to cut your probation, I mean it was their bad management that cause no-meat-gate... The problem with probation is they can just do what they like, they have no responsibilities. They may even prefer to get people in for a couple of months, get rid & get a new bunch, then it's no sick pay, probably no holiday & no responsibility. You've defo got the right attitude about it, but still must be a giant pain in the arse![]()
Yey for saving money and points! I love saving my money but I also like spending it! X I spend tonnes on fruit & veg but tend to stick to reductions if I can. X
It is a massive pain in the arse. This is even after I stayed an hour on Sunday and did a 12-12 on a half an hour break. Marginally illegal.
I buy the 6 for £2 kids fruit in asda to pick on now rather than buying sandwiches and stuff if I'm out. It's much better
I just did Zumba on my iPad its a fantastic app! Burnt off 200 calories.
Whoop whoop