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Here to subscribe absolutely love your title ;-)
Haha thanks Hun. Welcome welcome I haven't posted on here very much as of late but I think I will start to again soooooon
Here to subscribe absolutely love your title ;-)
Haha thanks Hun. Welcome welcome I haven't posted on here very much as of late but I think I will start to again soooooon![]()
Come Back Soon Vicky! I miss you! X
Awh thankyou hunny I like the thought of being missed I will start updating my food diary soon! I went to harvester last night it was yummy. I didn't have any sides or dessert or anything I did have some non salad salad though yummy ha
I've felt a bit poop the past few weeks and I have no idea why but I'm sure I will pick up soon!
Mmmmmm I love the Harvester! Well Done for resisting sides and dessert! Even if you don't come back to posting, come back to chatx
I shall! I'm just about to go swimming for the sturdy time in 10000000 years. Step one got into the Lycra lol
Hope u remembered your Arm Bands ;-) x
I needed them lol
Nah I didn't do too badly I did 10 lengths in the Olympic sized pool which worked out at 6 activity points so I'm marginally happy with that![]()
Wow that's really good! Get You!!! Do u have the swimming pool included in your membership? X
NoI went to a different but I'm going to look into it to see that if I join the council gyms if that one is included
Ah right! All our council ones include swimming, I used to pay £20 a month and that was gym and swim x
Yeah our council gyms do toomost of them have a pool but this is a brand new Olympic pool so I'm not sure if its part of the council ones lol
I don't think we have any big pools near us :-( There's a very nice hotel which does a Swimming Only Membership, I was thinking of doing that one! X
Swimming is excellent exercise and fun too I will def be going again
My dad just came in and called me fat in every possible way. It's excellent being me.
All because I rang him and asked him to get me some stuff in the shop because he'd eaten it.
I buy myself weight watchers branded products because it works well for me portion wise as well as freddos and whispas. And he eats them all and doesn't replace them. And weight watcher food is
Sucks to be me!
That's so not fair on you :-( You're spending your money and he eats them and has the benefit! You shouldn't have to have a secret stash but I guess it might be an option? I got called fat while I was on holiday too, aren't parents lovely. X
That's what my mum has said but a lot of it has to go in the fridge ill have to buy a little one
If your fat I'd dread to think what I am![]()
You'd be absolutely fine, they only ever see it in me or say it about me :-( I think you can get mini fridges for quite cheap, be worth it in the end. X
He's always been like it with me. When in actual fact he's probably the reason why I started to get fat from young. I have to take full responsibility for myself as I got older mind.
The worst part is that he tries to make out like he doesn't eat it and its all in my head. Madness.
I think I might look into buying one
Parents. Pfft
Well I say parents my mother is one in a million always there for me. She is a moody bum but I blame my dad for that lol.
Who used to do the Cooking when u were growing up? I think a lot of my problems stem from when I was younger, the food tastes that I have etc, its trying to break a habit of my childhood tho! X
My mum. But it's more picking and sweets that's my problem lol
The weight just doesn't seem to be coming off me over the past 2 weeks I don't know what's going on. I've been eating some of my activity points this week and still nothing.
Not sure if its because of the exercise I've been doing :/ it's frustrating me![]()