It really depends on which kind you make and how big you make them.
I make mine with 5 scan bran and 2 tbs nutella and it works out to be 8 syns and 1 HexB for the entire mix. You can work it out from there as to how many you make and how many syns each.
Stacey, the same happened to meMine didn't turn out with only 2tbsp nutella. I had to add a 3rd tbsp - although thinking about it, I could've just added 1 tbsp golden syrup and that might've been enough to bind them. Even with 3 tbsp and crushing them in a food processor and microwaving the nutella they wouldn't mix (for me) so the syrup must be to get them to gel. I've got mine as one big bowl in the fridge and shall be eating it with a spoon later!![]()
think ive done something wrong making thesetheyre pure mush lol how much water do you use..theyre in the fridge chillin hopefully get them into a bit better shape when theyre chilled ..i only got 9 out of that batch too x