Scarlett to target one day at a time

I could eat sausage and mash soon as well, mmmm good old classic :)

I see what you mean about how mum boss is, I know lots of people who work in nurseries and say they have loads of children who walk in with their mums, take their dummies out and leave them at the door, don't use them all day but then as soon as they're picked up they put them back in again. It winds them up too. I try not to judge with dummies as I avoided ever giving my little boy one (well I did for a week as I stopped breast feeding... he was using me as a dummy so I used that to wean him off) but I do hate it when I see children with them in all the time, one of my pet hates is children places where they're having fun, on rides or at a park ect. with a dummy in their mouth, to me a dummy is for comfort, they don't need comfort when they're perfectly happy having fun. I also saw someone once when we were at Butlins, chase after her little boy who was happily playing, to put his dummy in his mouth... he spat it out and carried on playing... so she put it back in again! It was crazy!
Really?! That's crazy! Why try and force it on your child? Bizarre behaviour!
When I did nursery work in the toddler 14months-2yrs room we had this little girl or around 19 or 20 months who's speech was really coming on in leaps and bounds all of a sudden. I mentioned it to mum at pick up one day just said -isn't she getting a little chatterbox? And mum said "really?! I've never heard her speak!" I was mortified as we used to leave the "firsts"for parents to tell us, even if we saw it first at nursery so as not to take that special moment from them, but she literally didn't shut up so I thought there was no chance she hadn't even heard her first word! She had the dummy so much that she had never spoken at home! I watched her for the next couple of weeks at pick up and it was quite sad really, dummy in mums hand ready to plug in the second little one got to her.
I know its my job just to get on with it, they aren't my children but I must say I'm glad they don't want them all day while they are with me lol, I talk to them too much I think haha!
Oh Donna that's nuts. I have no problem with them... I used to adore all of mine (3 in each hand rubbing on my face and one in my gobhole... i fear for my mum's boobies!) Nate just used to spit his out so we didn't bother with it... now I'm hearing it is a device to shut them up it is sounding really good. haha!

It must be hard to get the child's firsts before their parents. my friend is desperately sad by the idea she might miss her daughter's first steps.

I wouldn't worry about talking to them too much, I must do too, it is great for their development.
Haha fran bless you, you clearly were a big fan!

It was hard but luckily it didn't happen often. I'd rather keep quiet for the parents to see it than tell them they missed it. Was lovely getting them rushing in to tell us they'd walked or talked or done something over the weekend. Worth keeping quiet for! Is your friends little one at nursery? Its a shame if they don't let her see it first

I'm sure they do think- "good god woman shut up!" sometimes haha!
You've got me thinking now, did mine do anything at nursery before I saw it and they didn't tell me? I don't think he did to be fair as he was so lazy at that stage, I really had to work to get him to crawl and walk lol. Talking he may have done their first but again don't think he did, he was very quick with things like talking and clapping... but he just couldn't be bothered to move. My mum said about leaving things just out of his reach but it didn't work, he'd just stretch to see if he could reach it and when he realised he couldn't he'd just give up and lay with his face on the floor... it wasn't even like he'd get mad or upset about it, he literally just couldn't be bothered lol.

He was 17 months when he started taking his first steps (I remember because it was over Christmas while we were away... then by new years he was walking up and down my boyfriends parents house holding ''Grandads'' hand)
Aww bless him sounds so cute! how old is your little one now?

Sorry hun didn't mean to make you think that! It was rare that it happened but we were told to let them tell us first. I think it was a rule that the nursery I was at had and its prob not something that would happen everywhere. They've been taken over now so doubt it even still happens there. I can totally see both sides though! X
Oh yeah I think its nice that it was a rule, sorry I didn't mean to you feel bad. It just got me wondering as it wasn't anything I'd considered before. He went to nursery from being 9 months for a full year so he was there at that vital stage in his development. It's nice thinking back on his firsts, so glad you did mention that as having a bit of a soppy mummy moment. I also remember the first time he said ''Ash'' (my boyfriends name, we met when little one was 14 months old) he used to pick us up from my office on a Friday (every other day I'd pick little one up from my mums) but for some reason this particular day little one was dropped off at the office and then I was taking him straight home (my mum must have had somewhere to go... she used to pick him up from nursery as she worked in a school so finished before me) anyway as I started getting his coat on he got really excited and started shouting ''As as'' it wasn't until I got home I thought maybe he was saying Ash, so I showed him a photo and he said the same thing, was kind of heart breaking actually realising he'd got all excited thinking Ash was picking us up when he wasn't there that day.

Haha sorry went off a little bit there (told you I was being a soppy mummy)

He's 4 now (5 in July) such a little boy as well, he amazes me sometimes with how grown up he can be while still being so child like (if that makes sense... probably doesn't lol)
Aww that's lovely :) I know exactly what you mean. They get so grown up suddenly but still so innocent.
Love it when children come out with really adult things to say and don't get why you find it funny. The girls were playing last week and one suddenly threw her hands up and said "no?! That's outrageous!" was so funny bless her. :)
Aww so much cuteness!

My son was scared of my brother when he lived here. He visited at Easter and now Nate keeps chattering "Uncle Chris" which can sound like "cuddle kiss" sometimes. he loves going to slimming world. He calls it "old ladies!" because most of our group are old ladies. haha.

4 year olds are going to be so funny. You'll end up with loads of funny stories! You're going to be an amazing mum when the time comes.
Got an appointment at 9.30 so have spoken to mum boss and she is happy for me to go straight to them when I'm done at docs. Her son has had a raging throat infection for last few weeks, keeps coming back cos he stops the antib's as soon as he feels better so its prob him I've caught it off!
Hopefully once I've seen doc I can dose up on lots of pain killers and get through till 5.15, can't afford to go sick!

Don't feel like eating and it hurts to do so but manage to get some lukewarm breakfast cous cous down (1syn for honey) with a banana chopped through
Lunch I don't know if we will be in or out so will see, if we are out we will be at soft play in which case I can have a jacket potato with beans and salad. If at home I'll have a pasta n sauce with extra veg.
Dinner is supposed to be chicken, leek and broccoli pie topped with potato.

Its also supposed to be walk night but right now the thought of that makes me want to cry! If I still feel this bad I will ask mike to walk Friday instead of tonight.
:( got a nasty throat infection and a temperature of over 40. No wonder I feel rubbish!
Doc advised me to go home to bed and sweat it out so as mum boss is home today anyway I phoned her and told her what doc had said. She wasn't happy though and mumbled something about not being able to go out today now! Not my problem if she can't deal with her kids alone! Especially wound me up as there has not been a whole week since I've been there that at least 2 people in the family have been ill! I've been amongst the germs all that time its inevitable I would get something.
Hopefully can go back tomorrow but if she gets funny about it ill point that out at they've all been ill for weeks. Will try not to let it wind me up today so I can sleep!
Morning hun!

sorry to hear your not feeling well I was a bit under weather last week i feel for ya! hope you feel better soon get lots of rest!!

P.S I made you freewheeling fruity fingers from the cbeebies site ;) DELISH haha x
Thanks hun, not felt this bad in ages :(

that was meant to say i made *your not i made *you although i'd love to make you some to make you feel better lol. awww get lots of rest and drink plenty of water. x
Back to bed you. If she is at home I see no reason why she can't spend some quality time with her germy kids, because, you know, they're her kids! I find it crazy that people have a nanny in when they're home too. Obviously if you are doing conference calls that's different, but she can go out and take the girls with her. Don't feel guilty she's a fool for not making her son finishthe course of antibiotics. Yay superbugs :/

I'm sure mike will be fine changing walk day, if not, lick him.
I know i dont get it, she took yesterday and today off to have time with them and days out,so I don't see what the issue is either today. I'm feeling worse by the minute though and worried about tomorrow. She's supposed to be working, I'm meant to be working late, stressing about it isn't helping how I feel either :( had breakfast early but not even hungry yet, wonder whether to eat for the sake of it.
Can feel my head is burning up and I'm in 2 layers of clothes, a fluffy dressing gown and a blanket cos I feel freezing.
Doc told me not to take paracetamol and sweat it out but I'm feeling like I want to punch him for that now and take it anyway.

Mikes not feeling good either so he's happy to move walk to Friday. He can make his own dinner today that's for sure. Doubt it will be my chicken pie though, hopefully will be up to it tomorrow.
How are you fran? How was weigh in? X
I gave in and took the paracetamol as my high fever was making me feel really woozy and like I was going to faint. Took some and fell asleep and woken up feeling a bit better so I think I'm just going to go with the painkillers tomorrow and have a film and sofa day with the girls.
Managed a few mouthfuls of a pasta n sauce at about 2.30pm, more cos I thought I should than being hungry. Might make the pie anyway so I've got a good meal in me before bed. Still undecided.