Thanks guys
Eating gone to plan today and been to the gym! In fact, I had taken in some lovely ham with salad for lunch......bought the ham on Saturday and when i went to cut it, it smelt....I thought it was just me, SO, STUPIDLY I tasted it...mmmm...wasnt convinced, so tasted it again....proceeded to cut my salad, etc...tossed it altogether..
Then, I asked reception if it smelt ok..oh, she said no, that meat is off!! YIKES!!! So, was i going to through up ????? Nah, I was fine, although did get a wee stomach ache for 5 mins, and then it went.
So, had to go to Boots and get a Shapers flatbread, but only 260 cals, oh, and a pkt of shapers crisps!!!!
Had nice tuna salad tonight and some of our lovely strawbs from the allotment!
Went to the good peeps! My knee has gone...but the left one. It actually gave way today as I was walking to the bank,b ut I just thought it was a blip......but I had just done 10 mins on cross trainer and then 3 mins on rowing machine.....then tried to get out of the straps and it just buckled under me...still cant put full weight on it!! NO GOOD, NO GOOD, NO GOOD.....Just need to rest it, but rather frustrated!
Methinks I need to start wearing my knee stockings again...drat, drat, and double drat!!
Eh, still here to tell the tale though, and what a tale it is too..heeheehee
Oh, guys, did I tell you, WE HAVE A GREY SQUIRREL IN THE ALLOTMENT!!!! Never in the 7 years of having it have we ever seen one....this isnt a good thing, but nothing has been eaten, or we dont think it has anyway! I came face to face with the wee didnt know what to do, so I had to talk to it, asked it what it was doing in my allotment!!!! mmmm..I know!
Anyway, good day food wise, and I tell you I could have gone off the boil today...had a situation that would normally through me, but strong I stood
