Scotsmists Take on Life!!!!!! And everything else :-)

I second that! :) xx
I third that! :)
:8855:And I fourth it!!! :)
Thanks guys!!!!

Have had a lovely 2 days off! Went to see a friend yesterday and had a VERY DIFFERENT DAY! Which was lovely and the sun even came out!!

Been to look at some new offices today and went for lunch with the dear Hubby and then have been pottering about. Just too hot to go outside, but dying to get out into the allotment, but it will cook me! Dont fancy eating meself!!! hehehe

Hope you are all having a great day and the weekend is looking FAB, FAB, FAB!!!!!!!!!

Really looking forward to the weekend!
Ok guys, I decided enough was enough and I needed to know where I stood today, SO, I took the big plunge and weighed myself! Not good at all, but the truth needs to be faced...12st dead I am!! so, I have put on 12 lbs! No good, but then again, if I am honest with myself, I am surprised that is all I weigh! I was sure it was a hell of a lot more, but I dont want to be anywhere near 12 anything!!!! 11, something yes, but not 12....

So, enough is enough!

I feel different today.....been a very strange few days but I am facing things I havent faced for a long time!

I am back on track again as of Monday, not that I am planning on anything major or anything before then! I am planning on kinda following RM Plan, but so long as I just stick to 1200 cals a day that is my aim AND TO GET BACK TO THE HEALTH CLUB!!

I feel positive and keep remembering how I felt when I was almost at goal last year, and I am clinging to that lovely thought and believing that will be me again.

I found a quote yesterday and I love it, but not sure how long it will take me to master it, as it is quite it is..ENJOY!!

“Keep your thoughts positive because your thoughts become your words.
Keep your words positive because your words become your behaviors.
Keep your behaviors positive because your behaviors become your habits.
Keep your habits positive because your habits become your values.
Keep your values positive because your values become your destiny.” -Ghandi

Anyway, I have had a lovely day today.....busy, AND not even in the allotment. Had a BBQ with me, Tunc and farmer Ted and he has just left..he is such a character and at 85(found out his exact age tonight).

We are suppose to be going on the steam railway in Yorkshire tomorrow but Tunc isnt so keen now as he doesnt want to drive!!! I think it is the early morning rise as we are pretty useless at getting organised..takes both of us at least 3-4 hour to get up, shower, get out the door! Honestly, it is a, we would be getting up about 7am..mmmmm...

So, tomorrow is a bit hazy as to what is planned, and with it being tuncs birthday, I wanted to do something nice, but just being with him is nice anyway, so even if we just spend a nice day at the allotment will be just as special!

I have had such a lovely few days anyway, so cant complain!!

So, ladies and any gents that are reading.....I have changed my attitude....and I will get to where I want to be and I believe it first and then it will happen...!!!!
Love that quote Iris!

And im happy you have decided to get back to it! I bet you feel heaps better with just the thought of that :)

I hope Tunc has a loverly day tomorrow - whatever yous do :D

So you have reached your oh **** weight! :giggle: Not to worry pet, 1 week and you'll be back in the 11s :)

Wana chuck some of your positivity my way?!!!!! ;)
Iris - you know how I feel about all this chuck thanks to pms etc so I won't say it all again.

I'm sure your new attitude will win through - just keep reminding yourself and it'll soon become second nature.

Whatever you do tomorrow have a lovely day and wish Tunc happy birthday from me as well.

Keep up the good work ;):) xx

I love that quote too! x
Well it's Monday Iris and I hope you've woken up to a lovely day with a great new attitude!

I'm sure you'll be way into the 11st next week and have every faith in you that you can do this.

I'll be joining you on maintenance in a couple of months so store up some of that positivity cos I'll be needing to borrow some of it!
Yes - hope you've had a good day Iris and all's gone according to plan :) xx
Thanks guys

Eating gone to plan today and been to the gym! In fact, I had taken in some lovely ham with salad for lunch......bought the ham on Saturday and when i went to cut it, it smelt....I thought it was just me, SO, STUPIDLY I tasted it...mmmm...wasnt convinced, so tasted it again....proceeded to cut my salad, etc...tossed it altogether..

Then, I asked reception if it smelt ok..oh, she said no, that meat is off!! YIKES!!! So, was i going to through up ????? Nah, I was fine, although did get a wee stomach ache for 5 mins, and then it went.

So, had to go to Boots and get a Shapers flatbread, but only 260 cals, oh, and a pkt of shapers crisps!!!!

Had nice tuna salad tonight and some of our lovely strawbs from the allotment!

Went to the good peeps! My knee has gone...but the left one. It actually gave way today as I was walking to the bank,b ut I just thought it was a blip......but I had just done 10 mins on cross trainer and then 3 mins on rowing machine.....then tried to get out of the straps and it just buckled under me...still cant put full weight on it!! NO GOOD, NO GOOD, NO GOOD.....Just need to rest it, but rather frustrated!

Methinks I need to start wearing my knee stockings again...drat, drat, and double drat!!

Eh, still here to tell the tale though, and what a tale it is too..heeheehee

Oh, guys, did I tell you, WE HAVE A GREY SQUIRREL IN THE ALLOTMENT!!!! Never in the 7 years of having it have we ever seen one....this isnt a good thing, but nothing has been eaten, or we dont think it has anyway! I came face to face with the wee didnt know what to do, so I had to talk to it, asked it what it was doing in my allotment!!!! mmmm..I know!

Anyway, good day food wise, and I tell you I could have gone off the boil today...had a situation that would normally through me, but strong I stood :)!!
Good for you staying strong in the face of adversity and in front of the squirrel!!! Sorry to hear about your poor knee. Hope you don't have too much pain.
Oh, I reckon if it had been last week, it may have been a different story Irish, but here I am to tell a different tale!!! THANKFULLY.

It is painful...keep trying to walk on it as I keep thinking it is all in my mind!! But, I know it isnt.....I wont let it stop me....problem is I have arthritis in my right knee that stops me doing certain things...dont want the left to go too!

So, I need to lose more weight as it wont be helping carrying more than I should!!!!!!

How are you Irish?
Good for you!! Soooo proud of you not making those downers an excuse to 'start again tomorrow'.

So sorry about your knee :( - it must be really frustrating when you enjoy (spitspit lol :)) exercise.

Also - re talking to the squirrel - this isn't as mad as it sounds .... seriously - tell it that there are loads of places it can roam freely but it isn't welcome on your allotment and if it insists on visiting you may have to take further steps.

Now I KNOW that sounds like I'm a noodle but it DOES work. - I could talk about accessing your higher self and it's higher self if you REALLY want to hear the noodley me :D:D:D - but not wanting to lose freinds on here I'll just say - try it - it can't hurt :) xx
good for you!! Soooo proud of you not making those downers an excuse to 'start again tomorrow'.

pat on the back to me!! Heheh

so sorry about your knee :( - it must be really frustrating when you enjoy (spitspit lol :)) exercise.

was that a cough and a splutter there mrs d!!! I know, i was frustrated.....13 mins of cardio....mmmmmm

also - re talking to the squirrel - this isn't as mad as it sounds .... Seriously - tell it that there are loads of places it can roam freely but it isn't welcome on your allotment and if it insists on visiting you may have to take further steps.

oh, i will talk to it next time...not daft at all....:8855::8855::8855:am i a good liar!! Haha...nah, just pullng your leg...i will tell i to go somewhere else next allotment is nooooo good...full of horrible fruit and veg :d

now i know that sounds like i'm a noodle but it does work. - i could talk about accessing your higher self and it's higher self if you really want to hear the noodley me :d:d:d - but not wanting to lose freinds on here i'll just say - try it - it can't hurt :) xx

ahhhh.....tell us more jan!!! We want to hear!!
HaHa - you're probably the only one who wants to hear! This could put the others off from wanting to get together ... and you for that matter, but it IS part of who I am. HaHa - dunno whether to go on :D I'm not sure this is the right place for what some people might consider 'hocus pocus' stuff ;) xx
Jaaaaan go on .......!! :)

Ah iris! I can just picture you stood there, hand on hip, this squirrel looking up at you all innocent and you talking to it :rotflmao: :rotflmao: hahahahahaaa!!!
I think you should elaborate too Jan, I'm really interested in what other people think about things like that.

I like that everyone thinks differently and has different points of view and who can say who is right or wrong anyway?

That poor squirrel doens't know what's coming eh Iris? Good luck in trying to put him off visiting you.

I hope you're knee is going to be OK. I'm suffering from a bout of sciatica at the mo and can't go to the gym or badminton so not very happy about that. Stay strong, you can do this!
HaHa - you're probably the only one who wants to hear! This could put the others off from wanting to get together ... and you for that matter, but it IS part of who I am. HaHa - dunno whether to go on :D I'm not sure this is the right place for what some people might consider 'hocus pocus' stuff ;) xx

hahaha - you are who you are Jan and dont ever forget that! What others think is irrelevant - stay true to yourself and your beliefs!! enuf said :) "hocus pocus lady"!!
Jaaaaan go on .......!! :)

Ah iris! I can just picture you stood there, hand on hip, this squirrel looking up at you all innocent and you talking to it :rotflmao: :rotflmao: hahahahahaaa!!!

haha - never been so close to a squirrel in me life!!! It was cute, but boy, it was long too!!!!! Just had a coversation on the train with some friends about it and they reckon all my fruit will be demolished...ahhh...think need to get cracking on the harvesting!!!
I think you should elaborate too Jan, I'm really interested in what other people think about things like that.

I like that everyone thinks differently and has different points of view and who can say who is right or wrong anyway?

That poor squirrel doens't know what's coming eh Iris? Good luck in trying to put him off visiting you.

I hope you're knee is going to be OK. I'm suffering from a bout of sciatica at the mo and can't go to the gym or badminton so not very happy about that. Stay strong, you can do this!

Agree with you Bev re: Jan :)!!!!
I need to see it again so that I can give it a good talkin to...I mean the squirrel :)

Sorry to hear about your sciatica..oh, my sister suffers with that and is in agony, so I feel for you! Oh, and you really enjoyed your badminton as well! So annoying when that happens..hope it gets better soon Bev!! Keep smiling :)
Ahh Bev - sciatica ... OUCH! Hope it improves soon!

Oh well - if you insist and as it might help save some fruit ;) - actually iris you DON'T need to see the squirrel again. All you need to do is sit quietly on your own, close your eyes and take several deep breaths. What you're going to do is access your higher self - that part of you which remains as part of the highest energy/vibration but is still connected to you. (I will elaborate if asked but for now I'd just like to get Iris working on the squirral asap :p)
When you feel relaxed, talk to this higher self - in your head is fine, out loud if you want to. Tell your higher self to go and find and talk to the squirrels higher self (all living things have the same connections). Tell 'you' to tell 'it' that you respect it's rights but there are plenty of other places where it can find food, it doesn't need to disrupt people to do it. That it is not welcome on your allotment or anybody elses and you insist that it leaves them alone. And to tell the squirrel's higher self to have a word with the squirrel. Also send it love and blessings on it's way.
Then - and this is the really important 'trick' believe that it has already happened - NOT 'I wonder if it'll happen' 'I hope it happens' ' can't wait to see if it's happened' 'what a load of old codswallop' ;) or whatever. It has already happened!

It might be an idea to incude all it's mates at the same time.

Bye Bye Mr Squiggle - Love ya loads but b****r off! :D xx