Well guys the Queen bee is being a little lazy so and so!!! She just isnt laying eggs! She is suppose to lay approx 1000 a day!!! 4 weeks on ZILCH!!! mmmm...something isnt right at all!
You know, it was really strange, because when the guy that we bought them from was leaving, he said to Tunc....if they dont work, let me know and I will get another colony to you!! We found that strange and Tunc being so astute clocked it! So, in some ways we are not surprised, but it is a bit gutting.
We need another hive as we have to split what we have into another colony and put in a new Queen. So, thankfully farmer Ted has some old hives which Tunc has sorted and we now have to blow torch them and clean them up by Wednesday!! Guess what we will be doing tonight and tomorrow night...hahaha.....
It is a big learning curve and in some ways you learn by default and that is always the best way I reckon to learn! But a bit expensive !! haha..
Thanks for the Jan/Dave ;-) help!! HAD MY FIRST GOOD NIGHT SLEEP LAST NIGHT! Was a tad stiff this morning, but I am fine today, no aches and pains!! Apart from a cut lip but that is another story!!!!!!!!!!! Well, I picked up the telephone at work and bashed my mouth with it by mistake as I dropped it and consequently my tooth bit into my lip! I tell you...day/hell....comes to mind and it is only 1 oclock..no good, could just pack up and go home today it has been so stressful!!!
Right, on a more positive note
I start RC Wednesday...go to the class tomorrow; meeting my friend at 5:20!! oh, a bit nervous but at least I have always had success going to her class, so looking very positively at this! And with my friend doing it too it helps and we will be there for each other every day too via email!!
Better go and do some work, or get some lunch even!
Take care guys!!!