Dancing Queen
Good luck with the experiment! Wonder if last night was about carbs?
Thanks, LF! I think it probably had more to do with the half bottle of red I downed . I felt well sozzled after less than a glass - Atkins has made me such a cheap date these days, lol
Sounds a good plan a protein breakfast will keep hunger away.
Sure does! I'm determined never to go back to cereals/toast/porridge for breakfast no matter what happens - they just don't last me long enough, apart from anything else!
Got a touch of heartburn this afternoon - probably still the consequences of last night. I'm struggling a bit to get things right at the moment - it's not as easy to keep my ratios where I want them as I thought it would be. Just now I seem to be sacrificing more protein than fat for an increase in carbs, and that's not what I wanted to do. I wanted to decrease the fat, increase the carbs and leave the protein more or less the same, but I didn't manage it yesterday, and I won't today either. Need to plan a bit better it would seem...