Scrumbles' after losing a third of me...

Thanks folks!

And with that, I have a food crime to report! :eek:

Went into town today with OH and was waylaid by a muffin, a real, normal muffin :eek: I can't pretend it was built into today's plan - wasn't intending to have any kind of break - so it will have to go down as an "oops".

Oops. :eek:

I'm not changing anything else because of it, so today's carbs are going to be way over at a whopping 120g. Will be interesting to see if there is any effect on the scales tomorrow!

I don't feel bad about it by the way - not beating myself up or any of that nonsense. It's done, and I won't be doing it again in a hurry - it was nice, but not OMG!AMAZING!!! or anything, so I won't be particularly tempted. Plus, it didn't trigger a binge on anything else; I made sure to have a nice big hit of protein and fat (turkey with mayo) straight afterwards to steady the ship, and I feel fine. I may gain a bit of temporary water weight from it, but that will be all.

Onwards and downwards, eh...:)
The near-maintenance stage you're at I don't think a muffin is anything to call the food police over ;) welcome to the 10s! Considering Xmas and new years have been right in the middle, I don't think your loss has been too slow. 1 stone in about 3 months rather than the 2 it might have been when you had much more to lose.
Well, my stay in the 10's didn't last long - I'm back to being a shade over 11.

And the significant thing is that I'm almost exactly the same as I was this time last month, so it would appear that I have finally found my maintenance weight for this level of eating. At my lowest point in the month I'll dip into the 10's, but basically, I'm 11 stone.

So I think that's it for me. If I wanted to lose more I would have to either:

- eat less (cals and/or carbs), which isn't an option because I'm happy with what I'm eating


- move more, which may happen I suppose, but I know from a lifetime of experience that I will NEVER be consistent with exercise, so I cannot rely on it to keep my weight at a constant lower level.

So my aim from this point is to stay at or near 11 stone and to be happy with that. It's more than I wanted to be, but I have to be realistic. I'm going to have to finally accept that I will never be stick thin and that that's okay. I don't look hideous in clothes, and I can move - that will do :)

Now let's see if I can do the really hard part: not put it back on again :eek:
I think it's very sensible too - and nothing has to be forever, if you decide you want to cut back again later in the year the option is always there. I think time of year can make a big difference to mindset.
Goodness! 4 days since I last posted in here...I am getting to be a very lazy diarist :eek:

This time of year definitely gets to me. My best period for losing weight naturally ie, when I'm not really trying, has always been from about June to November. Post Xmas until late spring is traditionally when I pile it back on again, unless, like last year, I happen to be in the early stages of a diet - that changes the game, obviously.

I think of it as my "late-winter blues", and I know that I'm always going to have be careful around about now, or things could very easily slide :/ As it is, even though I still have the residual focus from a year of dieting, my carbs have gone up over 100g a day quite a few times this past couple of weeks, and my calories are creeping up too, so heaven knows what might be happening if I weren't still in "diet mode". Could well be eating my own weight in ice cream and cake by now :rolleyes:

Longer days and warmer weather will sort me out, I know, but until they arrive, I'll just have to hang on in there as best I can, negotiating 3 family birthdays AND Easter into the bargain...yikes! (and I wonder why I gain weight at this time of year, lol! if I go missing you'll probably find me face down in a trough of birthday cake and Easter eggs ;))

I think late April will be the earliest I'll reassess my weight situation. If I've managed to maintain reasonably comfortably, I'll probably lower my target another half stone; if I've struggled, I'll stick at 11 stone and convince myself I'm happy (shouldn't be too hard if I think back to what I was a year ago - I would have killed to be 12 stone then, let alone 11! Funny how your perceptions change as you lose the weight - we're never happy, are we?!)
I agree completely about the time of year - and I think that has a lot to do with why it's so quiet around here. Looking back at my dieting history several diets I tried in jan/feb are ones I lasted 5 minutes on - even when I'd done them successfully before.

Every good long run I've managed on a diet has been one I've started in April/ may - including this one which started in April last year.

I have more or less resigned myself to maintenance for march, what with plans to be off plan twice in that month. At least I am managing that pretty much, though I won't deny it's frustrating to be just riding a tide of fluctuations - I've actually lost about 1.5 stone since Xmas but that's been losing regain - twice!

After Easter hopefully the weather will warm a little and I'll have a clear run to shake off these last few lbs.

We can dig each other out of the trough of choc eggs, oui?
Righty-ho...I have my shovel at the ready! :D

And yes, it's like the Marie Celeste around here :eek: Has to be a reason for that, and I reckon we're on the money. I know I'm having to resist a strong pull towards comfort foods of the stodgy variety - got a real craving for rice pudding at the moment, and I haven't thought about that since last winter. Hmmm. Think my body is trying to get its serotonin levels up any which way it can! :/

But I'm doing my best not to give in. Exercise is good for elevating mood (so they say...I have no evidence to support this :p) so I went for a brisk walk this morning and surprised myself by doing 2 miles flat out with no stopping. Now, that may not seem like much to a normal person, but it's very good for me considering that the last time I went walking that far at that speed was months ago, and this time last year I would have practically collapsed just going round to the corner shop :eek: And the best thing was that I felt I could have gone a LOT further with no bother at all - oh, the joys of being an almost-normal weight! I might even start a running programme in the not too distant this space :eek: :D
2 miles still seems like plenty to me!

Rice pudding: some people make it with cauliflower but I don't think I'm brave enough for that. However you could make a good low carb version with slim rice from holland and Barrett, or with shirataki noodles chopped up very small. Or just make a hot creamy drink with the nutmeggy sweet flavors you'd put in, maybe?
Thanks for those suggestions, ML...though frankly the cauli one sounds disgusting! :p

I already put quite a bit of nutmeg in my flax/oat porridge, and that hasn't quite quashed the desire for a good old-fashioned milk pudding, though it does go some way. It's the skin on top and the burnt bits round the edges I think I'm really after - takes all sorts, lol!

Just back in from today's walk: 3 miles, no stopping and...a hill! Can't believe I actually went and did it in this foul weather (drizzly rain, freezing wind in my face...ugh!), but I did, and it was actually pretty easy. Last summer I used to have to stop twice for water and rest breaks when I did that route, or I wouldn't have gotten round; now I can just breeze along no bother! I didn't run today, but there was a moment or two when I felt I could have done it on the downhill section. Maybe when the weather is a little less ghastly I'll give it a go, though it's never something I can plan to do. If I'm feeling strong with a bit of a bounce in my step I might break into a jog spontaneously; if I'm not, it ain't happening!

I've only planned about 1200 calories for today thus far, so it looks like being a rather light food day as things stand - probably not a bad idea after last weekend when I rather overdid it on Saturday (I stopped counting after 2000 calories...oops...)
Another mile walk clocked up this morning. It would have been more but the wind was unbearable, like tiny blades shredding my face. I need it to be spring. Like, now.

Weight is still holding pretty steady. I'm 0.8 of a pound up on posted, but this is the high point in my monthly cycle, so it's expected. If the normal pattern holds true I should drop a couple of pounds in the next few days without changing anything, cals or carbs, but we'll see.

Main meal today will be leftover roast chicken in tikka masala sauce with steamed cabbage and cauliflower - very yummy, though I have to say I think I'm finally getting to the point where I've put myself off cauliflower a bit. I can take it when it's well disguised with cheese sauce or a curry/chilli sauce, but otherwise I'm not keen these days. Just had too much of it I guess :( Maybe best if I give it a rest for a while in case I go off it completely :/
Another mile walk clocked up this morning. It would have been more but the wind was unbearable, like tiny blades shredding my face. I need it to be spring. Like, now./

OMG I so agree - but it was lovely in London this afternoon - and was still light when I left work - so it's on its way Scrummie! :)
Managed 2 miles yesterday as the weather was very slightly better than the day before - still not exactly balmy though!

Oh well. I'll keep plodding on because I need to. I've been doing some number-crunching this morning and it appears that to maintain my current weight I am taking in an average of 1640 calories per day, which isn't even remotely close to the 2000 per day that the "average" woman is supposed to require. And since my post-obesity body is now more efficient at using calories than it ever will have been in the past, I'm going to need to seriously up my activity levels if I want to eat more :/

I'm now not sure that I'll ever be able to stop the calorie-counting either. 1640 calories doesn't feel like much some days, and I think if I ever tried to eat intuitively I would fail spectacularly. I could easily eat 2000+ calories on my hungry days, and I very much doubt that I would compensate for it enough on less-hungry days to avoid weight gain. Little by little, I would see my weight go up and up, just as it has done so many times before when I've been trying to eat like a "normal" person, and I cannot let that happen this time. I've worked too s*dding hard and denied myself too damn much over this past year and a quarter to let things slip.

I've read many times that maintenance is hard, and I'm starting to believe it...
I'm now not sure that I'll ever be able to stop the calorie-counting either. 1640 calories doesn't feel like much some days, and I think if I ever tried to eat intuitively I would fail spectacularly.

Morning Scrummie - and well done on the two mile walk hun!

I am exactly the same with calorie counting - there's just no leeway for guessing, so I'm MFP'ing everything and can see it staying that way - but I really don't mind, seems a small price to pay for not putting weight on again :)
Ditto on thinking I'll need to track food forever. I quite enjoy tracking though I have to say. I know so much more about the nutritional content of food now than I used to.