Scrumpers diary the revenge !!!!

yep I do think the diet has limited life ....i think if you have 2 stone to lose it is ok but wneh its 4 to 6 it can get testing !!!!!
jaqys do you agree ?
I know ive 2 stone to go and xmas is coming which i have given myself off , so motivation is the key ........ lack of dukan food in the house is another major downside I NOTICED THIS WEEKEND THERE WAS NOT AS MUCH IN AS ID NOT BEEN SHOPPING .SO THIS MORNING IVE SPENT A FORTUNE AND STOCKED UP AGAIN ...
The weather is pants and im waiting for the school closed text to come in , so far so good ......
My littlest is 5 tomorrow so would be nice to have a snow day lol
my feet are so cold and i want to curl up with a bar of galaxy but that will NOT be happening
B galetteand egg

L turkey soup
D low fat sausage and egg

hey scrumps how do u make ur turkey soup please !!!
turkey soup at the mo i had a turkey drumstick in the slow cooker all day then added onions ...pulled the meat off the bone and added water and swiss bullion tastes ok added yougurt if you want creme of lol
afternoon all busy one here just got back from a&e with oh had a bit of rust embeded in his eye from welding hes ok and gone back to work now ....... 2 hr wait to be seen though
food last night started fine i had chicken and salad , but was so cold later reached for some fig rolls darn it dont think im weighing in this week !!!!

ok food for today
B/L galette low fat sausage and egg
D as much of a chicken as i can eat !!!!
Your poor OH - he's often in the wars isn't he? Hope he's ok.
oh dear!
ah hes fine just accident prone and his bosses sidekicks a pratt who wanted to save 30p and bought cheap rubbish safety glasses
hes back at work and it will of cost his bosses for the hrs at the hossy !!!!!

Im sooooooooo cold not a happy bunny have thermal socks on and my feet are still frozen its snowing like it wouls be spitting if it was raining very odd
typical companies cost cutting, costing employees their health....

perhaps get a look on ebay for better ones hun?...might cost a little...but you can't put a price on eyesight xx

p.s. hope you're both ok x
he gone and bought some from just up the road said hes going to give his boss the bill lol
2lb gain that was on by last sunday so not surprised good now and see if i can get that off but sts till xmas will be fine i think !!!!!
right off to stew some beef
have decided my body is trying to hold one to whatever calories it can too keep warm , and short of eating a whole cow each night im going to have to ride it out so im sticking to dukan good this week and im also going to up to an extra spoon of oatbran and have one savoury and one sweet galette a day to ward off carb cravings will also get the cinnamon out of the cupboard too as thats a warming thing
Im not giving up Ive got this far you will come off weight !!!!!!!

bGalette and egg and sausage
L chicken
D beef stew
sweet galette if the craving calls
Scrumper that is the attitude! And may I remind you 35lbs lost, well done hun xx!!

As you are over the half way mark you body is likely to be adjusting too. You may also have fluid retention due to the fig roll. Draw a line and keep walking the path you are on. It is going to come off!

Scrumper hang in there you are going to kick this weight. Probably just fluid from the fig roll. Shake up your routine a little and keep up the water.

Absolutely Scrumper, hang in there...
er no 3 "blush ".........i am freezing and my body goes into lockdown so as long as i sts im not worried ....beef and chicken stew on the go everyday for the next two weeks me thinks
er no 3 "blush ".........i am freezing and my body goes into lockdown so as long as i sts im not worried ....beef and chicken stew on the go everyday for the next two weeks me thinks

Oh you poor thing - that seems pretty extreme for three fig rolls to have put on :( Make yourself a dukan custard swiss roll instead. I hate fig rolls buit I do like figs, and I couldn't eat any off the tree this year :-( I have got my slow cokker out of hiding and have some kind of chicken thing going on in it. It has veg in it but what I think I might do is rescue some sauce and chicken for me before I thicken it and then give it to the others.
yep thats what im doing get mine out first been having cups of it all day very warming