Cassy had a thought (it happens sometimes lol) doing the disco ball try resting the bell on your shoulder, you still may not get past your knee, but may help with your balance, alternatively do the exact same move but have the bell in your lower hand, it works very similar muscle groups. You will find it quite difficult starting with a 7.5 but we can tweak some of the moves

your doing really well not to be in loads of pain. Don't worry about keeping up, concentrate on form x
Silly sausage hope it's a good hurt

I do think it helps with posture and mores after your core gets stronger. Hula hooping is fun, I got one last Christmas, it's a weighted aerobics one, but couldn't do it, spent more time picking it up off the floor lol needless to say it's been gathering dust! After my weds class a new zumba with a power hoop class recently and I had a go with the hoop, and I did it! Was right chuffed with myself lol
Martin the disco ball and the windmill are the same. Are you sticking that hip right out and folding using your obliques? Have you tried what I have just suggested to Cassy? Keep your knees locked softly and just see how far you can bend before your knee disagrees! How are you with the wood chop, it might be beneficial to complete another move instead
Just got back from class, it was really busy and all women. The second class is mainly men, think I am in the wrong class