Hi all
Lots to catch up on
ames the Kettlercise is a good dvd, and is the main kb class available, when you can find them! i do not have it, but there is instruction on how to do the moves, and i believe the workout is 45-50mins. I would recommend it
Please dont get the power Body dvd, if you want I will suggest alternative titles if you dont get the Kettlercise one, and £15 for the kw fast abs seems a bit steep!
Sweet great to hear your shoulder was ok, always a bit worrying after an injury. Haha your going to have grit your teeth when you pop cardio week 1 in lol
cjeb good to hear from you, Christmas has been awful lol You will most probably have undone some of your work if you have been off plan food and exercise wise for a little while. On the positive side, although it may feel hard (and ouchy) for the first couple of sessions, you regain your tone and form quite quickly
Joanne Happy Birthday

can you just not wait to use it lol how are you getting on, swinging mojo a bit low?
Trimlee the jiggles will go

not looked into this, but had it myself, and as long as food is good it will disappear. Its great starting to see the difference, i never used to wear short sleeves, but any excuse now lol
Nicole there are loads of cardio type exercises what do you like, zumba, aerobics, running, cycling? Hope you get your scratched dvd sorted, you confused me lol
Wirralmum how did you get on with your practice
Shirleen, Gettingfit thanks for the link I hadnt realised he had done a part 2 so will watch those later lol
Chelsea how are you getting on, so close to the end
Donzy it is a great way to understand what you have acheived. At class we passed around a bag that weighed a stone and it felt really heavy. its hard to imagine what we used to carry about
Sue wow imagine strapping those on you and going about your daily life!!!! I bet Mr Sue thinks youve gone a bit mad lol
Chick well you did do two sets in one go lol Hope your aches ease and your looking to get cardio week 1 done and dusted
Hi Lindylou thanks for the kettlercise review, it is a good workout

keep us updated on how your getting on shrinking
It has been really good catching up especially as Mr Kron has shaken the house completing cardio week 1 upstairs lol
I will be having a swing later. TV has been taken over by guys cos its got football on tonight!!!!