Secret to shaping up

I am so sore this morning yet I had a rest day yesterday?

Core tonight, and going to walk the dog for 30 minutes too to get my steps up, I want to be hitting 10k steps today!
ow, seriously my legs are super sore and the top of my abdomen too. Strange considering last time I did KB was on Sunday and I didn't do much yesterday as I was at college til gone 9pm so didn't have time.

Shall I continue with my regime of doing KB tonight or shall I have another rest day and do more walking throughout the day?
thanks for the link caroline, are you thinking of joining the swingers club :)

I am indeed. I've been doing kettlebell stuff for about a week and really enjoy it. I started with just a beginners DVD by Amy Bento, which was good to start but soon wasn't enough. I got the Kettleworx Fast Fat Burner DVD used from someone so I've started using that now, only done it twice. Want the full Kettleworx set but I'm a trainee teacher which means no wage and a small student loan, so I can't afford it at the moment!
Morning! Wk2 Advanced Core done. Still getting to grips with the bendy planks (basically a plank where you roll to your left, back to the middle and then roll to the right). Its fine to do except my feet keep slipping so I have to re-adjust myself each time I get back to the middle which wastes time. I might whip my ankle socks off next time and have a go bare foot to see if that helps. I tried bare foot when I first started KW but found my feet were sweating and I was sticking to the mat (nice! :)) so have always gone with thin ankle socks ever since. Time to start experimenting, I think :)
Morning! Wk2 Advanced Core done. Still getting to grips with the bendy planks (basically a plank where you roll to your left, back to the middle and then roll to the right). Its fine to do except my feet keep slipping so I have to re-adjust myself each time I get back to the middle which wastes time. I might whip my ankle socks off next time and have a go bare foot to see if that helps. I tried bare foot when I first started KW but found my feet were sweating and I was sticking to the mat (nice! :)) so have always gone with thin ankle socks ever since. Time to start experimenting, I think :)

I'm trying to picture those planks Sue!!!! Funny yesterday the plank (which as you know when I first started KW I detested) was like a wee breather for me so I was glad to see there is obviously still a bit of strength in my core!!! ;) Would you recommend the advanced set then?

This morning I very stupidly stepped on the scales (which I know you should never do especially with achey muscles after a KW session!!!) & the nasty beggers were showing a 3lb gain!!! :eek: I know its not food as I have been 100% on plan so I'm hoping its just my achey muscles & water & all that. Either way it better be gone by FRiday morning :mad:
I'm trying to picture those planks Sue!!!! Funny yesterday the plank (which as you know when I first started KW I detested) was like a wee breather for me so I was glad to see there is obviously still a bit of strength in my core!!! ;) Would you recommend the advanced set then?

This morning I very stupidly stepped on the scales (which I know you should never do especially with achey muscles after a KW session!!!) & the nasty beggers were showing a 3lb gain!!! :eek: I know its not food as I have been 100% on plan so I'm hoping its just my achey muscles & water & all that. Either way it better be gone by FRiday morning :mad:

Hi SP - scales, eh! Our best friend and our worst enemy all rolled into one! Fingers crossed for Friday for you.

I know what you mean about the planks. I ended up face down on the mat more times than I care to remember when I first started but now I look forward to them for the same reason as you - a little breather - even if I'm not always in a "happy place"!!

The bendy ones are ok. A bit tricky but I need to sort out the feet slipping issue.

I really would recommend the Advanced set. On week 2 now and there have been a few new moves across all workouts to get to grips with, along with the usual ones as well. It does seem a bit more fast paced and there's a lot of on the floor and then on your feet stuff so you're up and down, up and down, which I do find a tad annoying but then what's the pause button for, eh! Plus again it just gives you chance to catch your breath. The overall format is the same though. Well so far anyway!

Definately worth getting a set in my view if you're planning on sticking with KW long term.
Hi SP - scales, eh! Our best friend and our worst enemy all rolled into one! Fingers crossed for Friday for you.

I know what you mean about the planks. I ended up face down on the mat more times than I care to remember when I first started but now I look forward to them for the same reason as you - a little breather - even if I'm not always in a "happy place"!!

The bendy ones are ok. A bit tricky but I need to sort out the feet slipping issue.

I really would recommend the Advanced set. On week 2 now and there have been a few new moves across all workouts to get to grips with, along with the usual ones as well. It does seem a bit more fast paced and there's a lot of on the floor and then on your feet stuff so you're up and down, up and down, which I do find a tad annoying but then what's the pause button for, eh! Plus again it just gives you chance to catch your breath. The overall format is the same though. Well so far anyway!

Definately worth getting a set in my view if you're planning on sticking with KW long term.

Yeah there is definitey nothing like KB for keeping you toned so its more a case of 'needing' to stick with it!!! I'm planning to do the first 6 week programme through twice coz I have had quite a break (2 months I think) & then I'll look into getting the advanced set!! New moves sound exciting & thank goodness for the pause button!!!

I kind of know there is a chance that my weightloss may slow for a while but measurements are all done so I'm looking forward to seeing the inch loss just as much (though weightloss would be good too ;))

I actually looking forward to cardio tomorrow though I have woken up with my dd's stinking cold but I plan to try to struggle on if I can
Art of Strength - Newport DVD

I had been using Art of Strength - Providence but wanted something else. I get a bit tired of Ryan Shananananan - he isnt my style but what he does is great just wanted something else to keep me going until I join a gym again. Art of Strength is by Anthony DiLugio - Providence is based on 15 rounds of 2 min then 1 min rest, with all the regular KB exercises. Newport however is a whole step up - its much more for intermediate level or sports people with some level of stamina - its 8 rounds of mainly 4 mins plus 1 min abs for each round then 1 min rest. Each set is 2 x exercises so plenty of transitions, and a lot of these the weight is above your head such as Sots. Its far more challenging and Anthony comes over much more - in Providence he is a bit laconic, in this he comes over as a personal trainer which I felt worked much better. There's less technique unlike say Steve Cotter. This is very mcuh full body workout as well

I didnt finish - I did Providence yesterday, and a 90min fast walk with the doggies this morning so wasnt at my freshest plus my knee crumbled on dragon lunges on round 7, but this is a real challenge. You will find yourself willing the timer (there's one on screen) to get to zero, and regret not using a smaller KB.

Still Kettleworx is terrific value - this at full price on amazon is expensive . But Providence at entry level, Firepower intermediate and this are a great alternative and when you want a new challenge these are really well put together. The title art of strength is a little misleading - its more fitness, weight loss and stamina - you wont build big muscles/strength with this.

So not for beginners but this is top stuff - get your form sorted get comfortable with transitions and progressed up from yout starter KB then this is amongst the best put together DVD for a workout.

NB I got my DVD off ebay but its £39 on amazon otherwise
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Art of Strength - Newport DVD

I had been using Art of Strength - Providence but wanted something else. I get a bit tired of Ryan Shananananan - he isnt my style but what he does is great just wanted something else to keep me going until I join a gym again. Art of Strength is by Anthony DiLugio - Providence is based on 15 rounds of 2 min then 1 min rest, with all the regular KB exercises. Newport however is a whole step up - its much more for intermediate level or sports people with some level of stamina - its 8 rounds of mainly 4 mins plus 1 min abs for each round then 1 min rest. Each set is 2 x exercises so plenty of transitions, and a lot of these the weight is above your head such as Sots. Its far more challenging and Anthony comes over much more - in Providence he is a bit laconic, in this he comes over as a personal trainer which I felt worked much better. There's less technique unlike say Steve Cotter. This is very mcuh full body workout as well

I didnt finish - I did Providence yesterday, and a 90min fast walk with the doggies this morning so wasnt at my freshest plus my knee crumbled on dragon lunges on round 7, but this is a real challenge. You will find yourself willing the timer (there's one on screen) to get to zero, and regret not using a smaller KB.

Still Kettleworx is terrific value - this at full price on amazon is expensive . But Providence at entry level, Firepower intermediate and this are a great alternative and when you want a new challenge these are really well put together. The title art of strength is a little misleading - its more fitness, weight loss and stamina - you wont build big muscles/strength with this.

So not for beginners but this is top stuff - get your form sorted get comfortable with transitions and progressed up from yout starter KB then this is amongst the best put together DVD for a workout.

NB I got my DVD off ebay but its £39 on amazon otherwise

Sounds good Martin & one definitely worth a look at once I get back up to strength & have a couple runs through kettleworx thanks
Sweet - I would definately keep an eye on ebay for the advanced. A couple of sets were on before Christmas. I got mine direct from KW (well Santa did so I'm told :)) as they had a 10% off offer on at the time which wiped out the postage cost and they mail stuff out almost immediately.

Martins Art of Strength sounds good as well. Also been looking at Kettlercise. But think I'm going to stick with KW for the time being as I've invested a lot of cash in it and have all the DVDs now. Also got the specific area ones, e.g. Arms and Shoulders, which I might have a crack at later in the year. Wish it came with a magic wand to sort out my belly though! The abs might be getting toned underneath but its hard to tell through the layers of flab! :D
NicoleW said:
ow, seriously my legs are super sore and the top of my abdomen too. Strange considering last time I did KB was on Sunday and I didn't do much yesterday as I was at college til gone 9pm so didn't have time.

Shall I continue with my regime of doing KB tonight or shall I have another rest day and do more walking throughout the day?

DOMS (delayed onset muscle soreness) usually comes in 24-48 hours after exercise. Personally I wouldn't strain those muscles further but do lots of stretches and walking, keep warm and keep moving.
I found massaging the muscles hard helped too. Keep your fluid intake high.
Did I do something wrong?

Nothing wrong, increased exercise will always result in a little soreness, and it may be that you did too much (as I'm always doing). Personally I find swinging so enjoyable that I go overboard and then suffer for it!
To avoid DOMS it's best to stick to the 10% rule, and increase your activity level by 10% each time. I went from nought to 80% and boy did I suffer!

So next time you exercise scale back to half what you did, see how you go with that. It's not a race and although the KW says 6 weeks, if it takes 12 weeks no-one will shoot you!
The trick is to do enough to increase your fitness levels, but not so much that you end up in pain.
(I'll try if you do lol).

Oh and Ibuprofen helps with the pain xxx
As Shirleen notes its DOMS -delayed onset muscle soreness. Perfectly normal. Also at the outset with new exercises you can get microscopic tears to muscle. Excellent advice on the progressive approach too - its a marathon not a sprint and you will still burn plenty cals so not worth risk of injury, and keep within your limits.

So rest. 24 hours break before that muscle group is worked. Drink water. Breathe. Relax even. Do some yoga, pilates or stretch (lengthens muscle and gets some blood flow). Bath with cider vinegar and salt. Massage. Eat proper food, plenty veggies and protein.

Your body adapts really quickly, unless you are old like me and you just ache all the time.
Did I do something wrong?
A few posts with mentions of 'belly fat' and 'belly wobbles' etc..,

Ok let do some science (yay!). Two main types of fat - visceral and subcutaneous. Visceral sits around organs and protects them and this includes your intestines and hence your belly. Subcutaneous is under your skin and your gender and genes dicate where it ends up such as on your thighs. Girlies also have boobage.

With excess fat it becomes an organ in its own right. And not all fat is the same its only in its pure form in the liver the other stuff such as visceral fat, well it secretes stuff some of which is harmful or creates problems including diabetes/heart probs hence why for example bellies are a measure for poss diabates. Men tend to hav more visceral fat but women develop it more post menapause. Other factors that lead to visceral fat include inactivity, stress and lackof sleep.

Oh and of course your body processes fat differently when you drink alcohol. It sorta stops processing fat at this stage so if you drink a lot of booze on a diet its counterproductive for reasons beyond pure calories.

So when drawing up your battle plans for belly fat you need a more holistic approach.

  • Do some yoga/pilates

  • Relax maybe a guided meditation tape - its that naughty hormone cortisol it signals fat to be stored viscarelly and we produce it when stressed INCLUDING when you strain and stress when exercising! You can now get mouthguards which stop you clenching your jaw when exercising to stop this, but are expensive from Under Armour

  • Sleep well

  • Eat proper food

Excercise - plenty aerobic and anerobic stuff. Studies show visceral fat goes with exercise and diet, but less so with just diet. High intesnity internval type excercise is also very effective (this is working in your upper reaches such as 90% of max for a short period of time). Visceral fat is the first to get burned and so your belly will hopefully lose this element and you will just have a residual subcutaneous bit to then work on.

The belly muscles are quite thin and while you can work them they wont burn many calories. 1000 sit ups wont burn as many cals as 100 squats with a kb. Doing the squats burns the fat, doing the sit ups tightens the muscle you wont notice under need to work big muscles first and save a bit for specific abs work

Best exercises for toning your abs?

Wipers (weighted)
Bicycle crunches
Captains chair (you'll need a pull up bar or dips frame)
Vertical leg crunch
Plank on eblows (or stright arm or plank with elevated feet)
mountain climbers
side plank (or side plank with crucnh or side plant with leg lift)

Good luck with your belly war
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Thanks Martin!!! Funny I just found my yoga dvd & book under the stairs today so might give that a go on my off days. If it helps then thats a bigger bonus!!
Just done week 2 cardio, this is my 3rd round.... I've done the shred twice and run 3 times a week and yet cardio NEVER gets any easier for me!!
I hate hate hate " I can feel my cardio being challenged" poke it Ryan lol!!!

At least it's done.... I dread to think what cardio will be like on my advanced when I move on to them at the end if this 6 week set!
Hello everyone - good to see that people are working the 'bells' :) My kettleworx set arrived today, along with a 10lb bell.

I plan to start at the weekend, though I have a feeling the 10llb may be a little too heavy for me. But I'll have a go and perhaps modify some of the exercises, or reduce the number of reps (not that I have a clue what they are yet). If it is too heavy I'll see if I can find a reasonably priced lighter bell to use for a few weeks until I get stronger (but who knows, I might surprise myself).

I'm feeling quite nauseous at the moment, having started my vlcd this week, but I should feel more energetic soon and I will be careful to not overdo things.
Good luck Suseka - I'm sure you will be fine with the 10lb bell. I use a mix of a 7kg and a 4kg and that works really well.

Evening all - I've just completed week 3! On to cardio week 4 on Thursday - dreading that one as i hate the cardio ones.
I'm so proud of myself for passing the halfway mark. I usually don't stick to anything. I can't tell you how many times I've joined a gym, a class, different type of courses (languages, pottery etc) and I never complete the whole thing so to even get half way through is a massive achievement.

Thanks all for your support on here. Even when you are just posting about what you've done and chatting about different exercises it's helping to motivate me to keep going.

I'm off for a soak now - I've earned it ;) Hope you all have a nice evening!
I do yoga/pilates pretty much every day now. I always thought that it was a bail out type exercise, where I could convince myself I was great for doing 20 minutes without really doing anything but I'm a convert now! It's actually pretty good, definitely something that's worth doing but probably alongside other exercise.

Got my Kelly Holmes KB from Tesco today. Used it as 4kg and could feel it a lot more than I could using 5kg for the first time on Sunday, think 4kg definitely works better for me now, 5kg would be a bit much of a struggle.

Has anyone used the cardio etc DVDs and the fast ab or fast fat burner DVDs? I know the fast ab and fast fat burner DVDs are 10 minutes and the other DVDs are 20 minutes. Would 20 minutes of the fast ab and fast fat burner DVDs be the same, easier or harder than 20 minutes of the other ones? If that makes sense!