Hi all
Chelsea thats a brilliant result

An 8 inch loss with only 2lbs gone! Also less than 6 hours of exercise to acheive shrinkage!
Considering we have had christmas and over indulgences and alot less exercise, it is a fab result, and I bet it will be more after Round 2. Your weight loss will catch up x
Thelasttime welcome

What price range are you looking for? I would also add Lauren Brooks (£32 !!), Kettlercise for Women (£22), Go Fit Iron core (£10 for Vol 1) all on amazon, but may be worth doing more of a search. It can be better value to buy bells separate
I recommend the metal type bells, and sometimes a stackable can be really bulky, and as Sweet says more prone to banging yourself in some moves
Nicole good to hear you worked that kink out
Shirleen glad to hear your back at the gym. Dont overdo it!!!
caroline I hope you get a good bargain if you buy kw, but working with the bells will see results. I prefer using a DVD as it keeps me in time and an all over workout
Joanne looking forward to hearing you have collapsed after starting week 6

It could feel tough!
Its great to hear everyone is swinging away

I completed a freestyle for about 5 mins last night, was a tad tired, so having a good one tonight!