Shirleen said:Puzzled, when you say you're knackered after exercise, do you mean it? Only I always feel pumped and sort of jitterly energetic, this is why I think I overdo it! The next day I'm like half melted jelly mind!
Am I odd???
Chelsea Lou said:Alli, I can't do the side butt thingies either. I'm ok on right side but my left hip feels so bruised for some reason and therefore I can't lie on it. It's been like that since the get-go. No bruising that I can see but it is very sore. That's my excuse anyway
I did a quick 10 minute fast abs today plus half of the fast fat burn......too knackered to carry on, plus I had a brisk mile walk to the local shop and back this morning.
Hoping everyone is having a fab weekend. x
Shirleen said:What the heckers are side butt elevators? Are they like side planks? I can't do those at all too blimmin heavy!
There's so much I can't do, I think I must be the unfittest here!
I'm getting a little confused! Does the cardio, resistance and core set from Kettleworx start at level 2 or is there a level 1?
Hi Caroline - the Advanced Set is Level 2. The standad set is the starting point. If you look on the kettleworx website you will see both sets on there. The cases and DVDs are clearly marked Level II for the Advanced ones. Hope this helps?![]()
This is probably a bit of a long shot and if people say no then that's fine, I can understand that! But anyway, I really want to do the Kettleworx 6 week programme but I really can't afford to buy it new and it seems to go for just as much second hand on ebay, which is ridiculous really. I was wondering whether there was anyone on here who has the cardio, core and resistance DVDs (not at advanced level) that they don't use anymore as they're on advanced that they might feel able to loan to me? I'm happy to pay postage and pay something for borrowing them but I just can't afford them new unfortunately. I've even looked the naughty way but can't find anything but the advanced ones.
Cat Lover Sue said:Morning All - well Advanced Cardio Wk3 done.
A few more new moves added on this one, but only two caused me issues. There's one where I didn't catch the name cause I couldn't hear through the blood throbbing in my ears(!) where I had to drop down to my 5kg. Its so simple. You stand feet slightly apart, kettlebell in one hand and raise your arm out to the side like an aeroplane wing and back. Easy but very effective. And very, very tiring! Gonna look forward to mastering it and moving up the weight on that one.
Also there's one called the Lambarda Ab Twist. Words fail me. Will need to re-think my clothing for this one. I'm thinking no knickers and some satin type shorts! Basically you are sat down like the core rower with legs and feet up off the ground and you have to shimmy round more or less in a full circle. But you can't put your feet or hands down - well you're holding your kb anyway. My backside was killing me and is still protesting now! Will try it without the bell to try and get the hang of it. My bum was gripping so hard I was picking up my yoga mat!Classic! I'm thinking core rowers will be a good substitute for this if I don't get the hang of it!
Catch you all later. Hoping my backside will ease off. Thinking a day on the sofa will help!![]()
Cleogin said:OMG Sue your description of that second one cracked me up!!!! Not sure I'm looking forward to that one!
LOL Sue I had forgotten about that one, buns of steel, or a new way of dealing with overtight lids on bottles
I have just completed an ab workout, shoulders and butt still feeling it from yesterdays swing, and I may have few swings while dinner is cooking
Ideal World are selling each dvd for £12, so for all 3 its £36, and there has been posts that you can pay by instalments