Good form brings quicker results and no injuries
I train bare foot
I lift my toes off the floor to improve technique. Your weight should always be on the heel of your feet, this tip made the exercises more targeted
Squats etc - stick your but out, your knees should be in line with your ankles, your knee should bend at 90 degrees, feet to knee straight up, knee to but horizontal with floor making you lean right forward so your chest is above your knees
Hope I am explaining it ok stick your but right out behind you - keeping your toes up helps you into this position
Use your hips to bend
Practice standing very straight and bend upper body forward at the hips, keeping shoulders back and face looking forward, when straightening up pull with your but, you may have your knees slightly bent
Find your comfy stance, depending on the exercise feet about shoulder width apart, practice swings and squats with no bell moving your feet slightly until you are happy
Use your hips to swing
The power in the swings come from your hips, so thrust. Your hips propel the move
Listen to form provided by instructor on each exercise
Keep body straight, don't lean to the side when working on left or right
Try bell on floor beside one foot, squat and pick up bell, like a suitcase but keep body in line, don't lean to that side, reverse move to put it down
Hope this helps, if I think of more will post
Get swinging