I am thrilled that you are taking up the kettle bell challenge
Chiefbridesmaid it's great to hear of someone else using them and getting results. Let's hope your birthday cards are full of money
Shazzabir - you must post inches lost next week, doing the bells alongside other exercise is really going to boost your body sculpting
Trimlee I love my bells lol I just cannot believe the results I have achieved and that is the only exercise I do, not like a lot of you that put hours of sweat into looking good, you will be toned, slim and looking hot before too soon
Sweet pink - has the delivery man been yet
One calf exercise I know is good is
Stand holding the ball of the bell in both hands, slip your thumbs through the handle so you don't drop it - the handle will be facing down
Hold bell at chest level straighten arms up
Lift the bell above your head and roll up on your toes then reverse the move
Tighten stomach muscles, you engage your core every time you lift the bell above your head.
For a more all over workout, do the exercise with a squat - remember toes up, butt back
Never let the bell angle behind your head, keep it slightly forward so as not to strain back or shoulders
I am letting my dinner go down, then going to workout
Had a bad weekend food wise, and it was my toyboy hubby's birthday yesterday aaah 41, think I will need to trade him in for a younger model soon lol
Remember all, I have gone from a size 16 to a 6, my scales tell me I can lose another stone and still be in my healthy weight range, my clothes say I don't need to
May the power of the bells whip you into shape
Keep posting how you get on, not that I am nosy, I just want to see you get results