Gold Member
MartinD said:. around the world - also 'round she goes' - from hand to hand swing bell all round your body, waist level one way 10x - then back. Kettlebell - Around The Body Pass Counter Clockwise - YouTube
good morinings - stand tall, hold bell by handles. lift over head and rest bell lowest on your upper back, handle by your neck. your legs are straight, bend and hinge at hips and slowly bend as far as you can. at the lowest you go lift up again using hamstrings to lift up Kettlebell Good Morning - StudioMiletto.com - YouTube
high pulls - hold bell between legs, thrust the hips up as you swing the weight up to shoulder level, bending the elbow and taking the weight up at a slight angle - its at shoudler level and your back is straight. Kettlebell: High Pull - YouTube
Triple crush - 4 moves in one. see here Triple Crush - YouTube
this info is really detailed