Dont forget to engage your abs, draw up your knees, kegel, and look up to the horizon. your body will be well positioned then. No knee bends here, all upright. Breathe deep too, engage inner thigh to keep knee straight and slow down - time in the gym not timing the gym as we used to say....
Around the world
Good Mornings - straight leg
Windmill just to 3/4 position, gently tho
Swing - two arm
Clean and press
High pulls
One arm swing
Crush press situp
Russian twists
Triple crush (its an exercise not a cocktail)
Pushup with kettlebell on the horn - oh go on try it....
let me know if any of these you dont recognise ill post technique
Ah these are great. I decided to take a kettleworx break because my knee seems to be playing up more so having a break while I do physio for a bit in the hope that it'll fix it up a bit. I'm afraid I don't know what lots of these are!
Around the world (is that the rainbow thing? sitted, bell on one side, up over to the other side and back again?)
Good morning
High pulls
Crush press sit ups
Russian twists
Triple crush
There's quite a few there, maybe I should save your time and just google!
Hi Guys
Well Ive stilll been swinging away quietly in the background even though I havnt posted much latley.
Im still working my way through the advanced dvd but I'm now using a 7.5kg which I'm well chuffed with!
Anyways, Ive noticed a few of you have been asking for a kettlebell forum for quite a while and as much as I love love love this thread (it was all you guys that got me started with the bells, especially Kron)Ive noticed that people ask the same questions over and over etc as there are no other specific areas to post them.
Well my hubby is a bit nifty with the internet and Ive been begging him to sort something out for me for a while now...well now its all finished!!![]()
A Kettlebell forum specifically for Kettlebells
Kettlebell Forum
I would really really love the support of you guys because without you all, I would never have discovered my love for kettlebells
If there is anything missing you would want on there or you can suggest anything that needs changing, please let me know.
Oh Susie please take care of yourself. That is one of the most common problems seen in clients with ra as people push themselves to complete tasks when feeling well, leaving themselves in a lot of pain over subsequent days.
Look after yourself, you know your limits and boundaries!
Congrats on the 2lb!
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