Hi All
Great to see all your posts
Hollie - how great was it to see your friend

life can get in the way sometimes, but you will get your first one done and then there will be no stopping you
Sofartogo great to hear from you, week 3 already, look at you getting on withthe planks, your muscles must be develping nicely. Just be careful with your back - I have a back injury so know how the pain can be, altho I rarely suffer with it now

just make sure you use your hips as your hinge when bending over, make sure you keep shoulders back, chest out and back straight, you may need to check your form a little, if there are any exercises that you can really feel pulling in your back - these are the ones you may need to practice to make sure you are doing them correctly
Pretika - you have been shredding so your fitness level is probably, up you are using a 5 aren't you? There will be routines that make you achy soI am sure you will feel the pain
Alex you sound like you have given your thighs a good time

I will post some links for you to follow some form of routine to make sure you are covering every body part, and get some good results
Shellie how awesome your body adapts so quickly, those mountain climbs are tough lol, I didnt remember them being so early on. Soon you will be doing these with ease
Gettingfit hope your arms recover quickly, you can really notice a difference swapping up weights, I think I have just about recovered from my stint with my 10 last Saturday lol
Clairebear - yeah great news, soon you will be swinging with the rest of us, and getting your very own results
My daughter and her partner got their keys to their flat today, just been to have a look, so pleased for them both, but it does mean I have not exercised since Monday

So picking up my 10 - I must be a glutton for punishment - tomorrow and if the weather is nice hope to go for a bike ride and do the local pub crawl