Paleo maintenance rocks!
Hey allive just bought myself a kettle bell 5kg from tesco i hav also been given a couple ov the kettleworx dvds ive got fat burn, abs, arms and shoulders, butt and hips, chest & back and legs and thighs
so do i mix it up with these 3 times a week or stick to the same one for a week??
The fast fat burn (a lot of cardio) and fast abs are each 10 minutes if memory serves me, the others are all 20 minutes. So if it were me I'd probably mix it up a bit and approach it like body building (ie maybe do a lower body one one day, upper body the next workout, throw in some abs/cardio for the final workout that week, then the next week do the lower body and upper body ones that weren't done the week before) if you want to rock it three times a week. So for example week 1 arms & shoulders, then butt and hips, then abs/cardio, week 2 chest & back, legs and thighs, and abs/cardio. There isn't a set schedule for those like there is for the core/resistance/cardio trio (which is the 20 minutes 3 times a week).
Have fun and let us know how you get on.