Cat Lover Sue
Slimming and Swinging!
I am so interested in having a go with kettlebells, however am not very fit and have masses of weight to lose..... what would you suggest if I could not manage a full session from a dvd (also they tend to go to fast for me), would it be better to select a few kettlebell exercises from the internet to try firstly, and move at a steady pace until I could transfer across to using a DVD and moving at a faster speed?
Hi Spangle - I really wouldn't worry about managing a full session on the DVD. You can stop and take as many breathers as you need - believe me, I took a lot when I first started and still take them now, although not as frequently.
I hadn't done any exercise for over 10 years and had a higher BMI than yourself when I started KW. As the sessions last 20 minutes with an additional warm up and cool down, I found it very manageable. I am not the sort of person that does lots of jumping around - huge boobs rule that out!
You don't need much to get started. I would have a look at the KW website, there's plenty of general kettlebell tutorials on Youtube - Kron posted links to some of them near the beginning of this thread which I found very helpful and used whilst I was waiting for my KW dvds to arrive. If you have Sky then on the fitness channel most days you can catch an infomercial on KW. Its quite cheesy but does give you an idea on the format.
Please don't be put off my having lots of weight to lose. There's been nothing on the dvds which I haven't been able to have a go at - even if I've not totally mastered the move first time. You'd be surprised how quickly your stamina will build up.
Good luck in whatever you decide to do. x