Target Member
Hi all
Lots to catch up on!
Joanne your missing the cardio most of us would jump for jot at that lol you could give your core and resistance week 1 a go as a try out. As Sue said you have parts of the full package so checking out Kettlebells @ KettleWorx UK - Kettlebell Fitness DVDs, Kettlebell Training and Kettlebell Exercises | Can You be the Biggest Loser will show you the additional workouts to the week 1-6, you got some bonus sessions
Spangle welcome, Sues right, as with any exercise there may be some parts that are a little more difficult, but you soon work through this. Hit pause whenever you really need to, that's the advantage of doing it at home
post 178 I think for YouTube links
Lilprincessvics welcome, lucky you having the bells to borrow and could even get some personal training in! The bells will whip you into shape especially starting on level 2
great to have you back after your hols, great post. Haha week 1 cardio strikes again, you get extra points for swinging at Hubby lol
Donzy you are a nutter! Lol week 1 cardio twice. Kudos
you will struggle at first, cut down the reps and concentrate on form, how fit is sil? She may have stronger arms so might be ok on some exercises. Hope your bruises are better x
Silly sausage congrats on your weight loss
I don't have that DVD you will have to review it Lol i know all about lazyitus twas my middle name! Hope your bell and DVD comes soon
Sue I see the bell family is expanding
Hear hear Biggy, swingers are great
Stella Great work on starting with a 6, if your looking at getting a metal bell are you considering a heavier weight? To purchase try tesco, amazon, eBay, sports direct as well
Chick try tightening your core on the balance ones, really can help. Glad to hear bf got out of the way
Martin you've got some good moves going
what other cardio work are you doing? Swings are the fat burner, try doing them for 5 mins! I haven't made it yet lol how do you get on with pistols, I don't get very low, but seen folks near enough sit on their ankle lol
Went to class and started to work off my birthday gain lol, I used some gloves but found altho they were easier on the hands, I had less control of the bell, doing swings the bell was swinging up and over onto the back of my hands, I do find my 8 light for swings, but had difficulty with a couple of other moves.
Lots to catch up on!
Joanne your missing the cardio most of us would jump for jot at that lol you could give your core and resistance week 1 a go as a try out. As Sue said you have parts of the full package so checking out Kettlebells @ KettleWorx UK - Kettlebell Fitness DVDs, Kettlebell Training and Kettlebell Exercises | Can You be the Biggest Loser will show you the additional workouts to the week 1-6, you got some bonus sessions
Spangle welcome, Sues right, as with any exercise there may be some parts that are a little more difficult, but you soon work through this. Hit pause whenever you really need to, that's the advantage of doing it at home
Lilprincessvics welcome, lucky you having the bells to borrow and could even get some personal training in! The bells will whip you into shape especially starting on level 2
Donzy you are a nutter! Lol week 1 cardio twice. Kudos
Silly sausage congrats on your weight loss
Sue I see the bell family is expanding
Hear hear Biggy, swingers are great
Stella Great work on starting with a 6, if your looking at getting a metal bell are you considering a heavier weight? To purchase try tesco, amazon, eBay, sports direct as well
Chick try tightening your core on the balance ones, really can help. Glad to hear bf got out of the way
Martin you've got some good moves going
Went to class and started to work off my birthday gain lol, I used some gloves but found altho they were easier on the hands, I had less control of the bell, doing swings the bell was swinging up and over onto the back of my hands, I do find my 8 light for swings, but had difficulty with a couple of other moves.